Panorama BeNeLux

​10 days

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1° Day: Italy – Strasbourg
Arrive in the evening in Strasbourg, the capital of the departmentBas-Rhin and the region Alsace, is the seat of The European Court of Human Rights. The name Strasbourg in German means “intersection of roads”. It’s situated on the river Ill, near its confluence with the Rhine, in an area with enchanting panoramic landscapes where both rivers are divided in several branches. The historic center is enclosed within Grand Ile, an area almost entirely pedestrian, rich with picturesque alleys, bridges, canals, on which overlook stores, bistros and corners which become postcards at sunset and with the evening lights. Dinner and overnight

2° Day: Strasbourg- Luxembourg
Breakfast and panoramic bus tour of Strasbourg. The city symbol is the impressive the Cathedral of Our Lady of Strasbourg, a masterpiece of gothic art which stands out from the city center with its asymmetric pin sandstone facade, the polychrome glass windows and the astronomical clock. Depart for Luxembourg. Guided visit in the afternoon of the last remained Grand Duchy of the world. La Gran Rue crosses along the historic center of the city of Luxembourg and represents the city lounge, with its numerous clubs and elegant stores, which are a shopping paradise. Accommodate in a hotel, dinner and overnight. Curiosity: the most peculiar attraction of Luxembourg city are the Bock Casemates an immense labyrinth excavated directly on the rock promontory overlooking the city. They are Site were constructed in 1644 and are consisted of km of underground tunnels up to 40 m. deep. This ingenious defensive system was a shelter for 35.000 people during the two world wars.

3° Day: Luxembourg – Brussels
Breakfast and depart for Brussels. Visit of the European district and the historic center, crossing the famous Grand Place. This splendid cobblestoned square houses the town hall of XV century, the imposing Breadhouse (where the City Museum is situated) and numerous palaces that testify to the glory and wealth of the city. Accommodate in a hotel, dinner and overnight.

Curiosity: Brussels is famous for being one of the irradiation centers of the Art Nouveau, a style which precursor is (1861-1947, an architect and artist which has revolutionized the way of conceiving the buildings as art work as a whole: from the design of the interior and exterior spaces,  to a concept that includes also the study and creation of the lightening, the furniture, the walls decoration, no less than the decorative objects. From the famous architecture you can admire: The Tassel Hotel from 1893, the Solvay Hotel built in 1895 and the Van Eetvelde Hotel.

4° Day: Brussels – Ghent(Gent)- Bruges( Brugges)
Breakfast. Guided tour of Ghent (in French Gand) that contains ancient and modern; houses the Opera Theater, museums, ancient churches and numerous bridges that communicate between the two river banks with flows through the city. The is the river bank that runs along the canal in the city center. Unique are also the
district with its labyrinthine cobbled streets, the Castle of the Counts (Gravensteen) and the bell tower declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Proceed to Bruges with a visit of the canals which flow around the city like a string of pearl and which have earned the city the title the most romantic Flanders city. World heritage site, its historic center is among the best preserved ones with the Bell Tower which dominates the open-air market. Return to Brussels for dinner and overnight.

5° Day: Brussels-Rotterdam-The Hague-Amsterdam
Breakfast and depart towards the Netherlands. Visit of Rotterdam (Dam on the Rote river), a multiethnic city people-oriented. It was almost completely razed to the ground during the World War II, nowadays is presenting itself with an avant-garde urban structure and a skyline defined as” Manhattan of the Meuse” regarding the three elements: air, light and space.

Curiosity: The Cubic Houses(Kubuswoningen)in the central district of OudeHaven, are one of the most iconic city attractions. A residential complex designed by the Dutch architect Piet Blom in the late ’70s, a cube shaped 45 degrees inclined houses that are forming a pedestrian bridge over a busy street. You can learn more about these houses in the House Museum Kijk-Kubus. Proceed toward The Hague and visit of the Netherland’s political center and The Binnenhof the world’s oldest Parliament Building. Among the most famous city attractions is The Peace Palace, seat of the International Court of Justice.

Curiosity: The'Mona Lisa of the Netherlands” as called” the Girl with a pearl earring” is one of the most world’s famous and expensive paintings. We can admire the Johannes Vermeer’s masterpiece at the Museum Mauritshuis. It dates back to 1665 was put up for an auction in 1881 and was bought for only 2 florins and 30 cents (approximately 2 Euros)! Arrive in the evening in the Netherlands capital Amsterdam for a dinner and an overnight.   6° Day: Amsterdam Breakfast and a full day dedicated to the visit of Amsterdam” The Venice of the Nord” with 165 canals and 1.281 bridges. The name means” a dam on the Amstel River”, 31 km. long. During the day you can include the visit of some of the most requested destinations like the Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank House or a typical diamond cutter. We are advising also a boat excursion among the city canals (the excursion can be organized also in the evening, with a wine and typical cheese tasting on a candlelit). Dinner and overnight.

Curiosity: Amsterdam is the capital of the tulipsbeing among theworld’s biggest growers. Despite of this primate, these have Turkish origins: Tulip from Turkish tullband means turban, because of the flower shape.

7° Day: Amsterdam - Volendam - Marken- Enclosure Dam (Afsluitdijk)
Breakfast and a whole day dedicated to discover the Nord of the Netherlands. Stop at the ancient fishermen villages of Vollendam on the lake IJsselmeer of Marken a small peninsula of Markenmeer. In the afternoon we will get to the Enclosure Dam (Afsluitdijk), colossus of architecture that unites two strips of land crossing the sea. It was constructed between 1927 and 1932 32 km long, 90 m wide and height of 7.25 meters above the sea level and is crossed by a highway. Return to Amsterdam. Dinner and overnight.

8° Day: Amsterdam - Cologne
Breakfast. Depart to Germany, with a stop at the enchanting Cologne for a short guided visit. We advise you the visit of the Cologne Cathedral and along the Rhine River. Curiosity: the dialect isKolsch”, a little bit funny to the ears of the others Germans but don’t tell this in front of person from Cologne. Kolsch is also the name of the local beer. Until 1830 there were around 360 craft breweries, nowadays we can find 24 that are producing the Kolsch. In the evening, accommodate dinner and overnight in hotel in the Koblenz area.

9° Day: Cologne - Boppard - Bingen - Switzerland
Breakfast and depart for Boppard founded by Julius Cesar to ensure the control over the left bank of Rhine during the Gallic wars, Bopard later became free imperial city. From we embark on a boat cruise on one of most suggestive river sections of the Rhine. Disembarkation in Bingen, proceed towards Switzerland. Dinner and overnight in an ideal location based on the travel times. Enological curiosity: It’s a must to taste the white wine and cheerful at the same time, the excellent Riesling produced with local grapes, grow in vineyards which are among the steepest along the Rhine.   10° Day: Return Breakfast and depart for the return to Italy.