Information about treatment of personal data

Podium S.p.A, legally based in the Republic of San Marino, (SMR/RSM), in Cardio St., 18 as main company of the ‘Podium’s Group’, informs you that following the European law EU 2016/679 is treating your data as follow:

Owner of treatment
This is Podium S.p.A. as above specified. The responsible person is the legal representative.

Responsible person for data treatment & protection (DPO)
The responsible person for data treatment is:
The responsible person for data protection (DPO) is:
Both of them are available at the same company address as above indicated.

Reason of treatment
The personal data you are providing are necessary:
To close deals for sale’s products;
To make possible pre-sale agreements, fiscal declarations for closed deals;
To respect anti-fraud and money-laundry rules;
To manage all communications, done in all possible ways, between party;
To manage eventual law judgement;
To communicate via all possible communication system related products done by Podium and to get the related client’s satisfaction;
In case you like to stop our commercial communication you can easily stop it unsubscribing at:
The personal and company’s information related to manage all possible products by Podium is compulsory. If missing we couldn’t guarantee the delivery of any product.

Mode of treatment and storage
The treatment of data will be automatic and manual respecting the point nr. 32 of the mentioned EU rule GDPR 2016/679 with attached B of the law 196/2003, (art. 33-36 of that code), following the sureness of data through authorized persons in respect of the art. 29 GDPR 2016/679.
We also inform you that in order to respect the art. 5 of GDPR 2016/679 your personal data will be storage for the necessary time to comply the reason for which they have been filed.

Way of communication and spreading data
We inform you that your data will not be sold, or used a part of necessary use to public entities as necessary communication to comply law’s obligations.

Transfer of you personal data
Your data are, and will be, filed in our servers at our main company’s address. It’s clear that the owner of these servers can move them inside other countries in EU, or outside it. It’s clear that in all cases the data will be protected following the rules as indicated by law.

Particolar personal data
Following the art, 26 & 27 of the law nr. 196/2003 and the art 9 & 10 of the EU rule nr. 2016/679 you could send us some particular data qualified as ‘classified’ such as data revealing ‘race origin, religion, genders, union’s belonging, genetic & biometric data, with the sole scope to identify a single person with data related to the health status of that person including the sexual orientation”
This kind of communication are taken as necessary and including its specific agreement to involve third parties to delivery service and products.

Automatic decisional process such as the profiling.
The owner of data is not using any automatic decisional process including profiling following the EU rule nr. 2016/679 as indicated at art. 22 sub 1 & 4.

Your rights
In any moment you might ask, following the EU rule nr. 2016/679 as indicated from art. 15 to 22, your right about:
1) Asking if your personal data are existing by us;
2) Obtain indication related to the reason of treatment of your data, the use of them, the final target and use and whenever possible the time of conservation;
3) Obtain the update of data, or their cancellation;
4) Obtain limitations in use;
5) Obtain the possibility of transfer of data from automatic device in readable way and without any opposition;
6) Refuse the treatment of data in any moment even in case of direct marketing;
7) Refuse the automatic treatment of personal data including the profilation;
8) Ask to owner of data the access of own information and personal data, or indicating the limitation of treatment, refuse the transfer of data;
9) Cancel the previous agreement about treatment of data, accepting the activity done before the cancellation;
10) Call a control authority.
You can do all above writing:,, or at physical mail address as indicate above.

RSM, 20th of May 2018.