​Twenty-five topics about company's job

​Done for tourism, but valid for all possible business with 360° view

​Accept & respect roles

​In sport activity, in our job, you’ll always find somebody that is more successful than others. 
We normally think that for success is the access to good schools and this is not possible for all people. Also natural talent is playing a role.
Is here all difference? Of course the level of instruction is important, but people who spent all life in schools say something different.
They are able since the first years to catch who is performing better and those who are less performing.
The issue is that school alone is not the only testimonial for success in life. So what? In Podium we constantly ask our self how to operate our job better.
For it means how to work better, and not more. Trying to understand this we analyzed details of our daily actions.
Actions are a great indicators that very often we do not catch. With this training we are giving practical advices how to perform better.
You don’t need to change your operations, you just need to follow a targeted training. Responsibility and clear roles are one of the keys.
They different from organization, they have a first level of importance but unfortunately forgotten due to daily small emergencies. The small emergencies is the key.
Simple but not easy. In any case as usual there is one or more solutions.

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​Team's motivation

​“Inspiration arrives, but it need to find you ready”.
This sentence we had like to write it in Podium, but it belongs to Picasso. It has a deep sense going over the significance of the words that are written. Inspiration is always around us, the matter is you need to catch it. It’s like the train.
The train you need can go to the station every day, but you need to be there. Otherwise you’ll never catch it.
Inspiration brings together other positive senses inside the companies.
Motivation without inspiration would be something quite complicated. It already is. How could we build up a team of enthusiast people without an inspiration and spread positive thoughts without motivation?
It wouldn’t be easy at all. Almost impossible. This training is giving examples how to create, managing and spread inspiration.
How to motivate people in a team that often is all company and not only part of it.

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Reliability & confidence

​Positive words are bringing positive vibes.
In this training module we explain why and how important is to create a positive environment around us.
We also explain how we can, by our self, become a member of a leading team. You’ll face easy issue and some other more complicate, on these we’ll concentrate.
A ‘wrong’ attitude, even if unconscious that we might adopt, can cancel the trust we need to communicate to others. Sometimes forever.
These three behaviors are connected, and their disconnection will not lead to any good result in life as in our job.
Whatever the job could be. It’s not a matter of ‘power’ that somebody has and somebody else hasn’t.
The only chance is ‘awareness’ and this is the only choose that we can do to educate our self towards our target.
In daily life the partial, or total, lack of these feature will not bring us to any important target.
Can we build them and deal in a way that will distinguish our person, the team we belong and the company we are working for?
The answer is yes. There is no cause and we need an appropriate work to let grow this attitude.
Finally, if you really want, everything is possible.

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Importance of action               

​To act is a meaningful concept of our life. It’s fundamental in our professional life.
Without action you can’t build anything.
Only from actions real managers can get the sense of changes that are starting all possible progress.
That progress in our job is the basis of new value. 
At the end of the day from that value we get our salaries.
Like this is looking really easy.
Why many companies are not surviving the first crisis breeze, or they are cleared by the last competitor arrived on the market?
This is the idea from where our analysis started to look deeper into the company’s culture.
More than this, we analyze how to feed that culture’s need, to make it understandable, and understood inside own team and company.
Why successful companies at a certain point start to lose?
Why they do not shine anymore and often everything is gone?
We explain in this training the difference in effects between action and no action, even it looks obvious. It’s not.
Attitudes, success, good results are quite often enemies to fight inside our organizations.
We need to lead the changes.
The difference once more is into the head of who is working inside these companies and with them sharing the destiny.
This awareness should belong also to the last employee. Unfortunately this kind of awareness is not coached enough, therefore, we as manager, have this duty.

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Opened mind

​It’s really hard.
You need to care what’s happening around you, understanding it, to keep in mind and build up your opinion.
Why? On the opposite side do not care about anything, take it easy, no ideas about anything, calm and tranquility each single moment.
You can choose.
The first is leading to fantasy and freedom.
The second to prison of own laziness.
From this point of view you should always analyze everything with top attention since on the other side you have the empty nothing.
So, why new things are scaring almost everybody?
Why do we adapt only if forced, or if situations aren’t changing?
It would be our interest, and it would be from many points of view, to urge our adaptability to new situations.
In this training we analyze the enormous advantages of flexibility and adaptability.
We follow the thoughts of some scientists of the past to understand how their studies are still valid.
To be strong is not enough, neither intelligent is enough not to be overwhelmed.
It’s necessary to be flexible. This concept due to our wellness, partly to arrogance of the system where we all live, and lack of our observation, is missing.
Let’s start from here to lead an itinerary where we’ll understand that our mind is endless.

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​Clear communication

​Many of us are the opinion they are communicating clearly.
Many believe, due to tv show that should be closed down immediately, that who is arguing stronger has more power and says more important things.
Others believes that to speak louder and contemporary means supremacy.
We are definitely upstream, nothing of all this makes sense to us.
Who really likes to be understood will never communicate that way.
This training module, strongly empathetic, see our research how to get to real communication.
In Podium’s world real communication means first of all let us understand from others.
You can talk as much as you like, but if other do not understand you, everything becomes useless.
You might even shout, or scream but you’ll not reach any result.
First of all not yours.
In professional life, as in daily life, we strongly believe that this point of view has even more value.
You’ll never find coworkers that will accept situation as described above.
They are right not to accept it.
Furthermore we believe there will never be a competitive and healthy company if people working in that company do not understand the reason why they are doing something.
This comprehension is passing through communication, and communicate is different from talking.
Communication to involve other needs much more than just ham actor.
You need more, much more.
In this training we’ll explain what and how.

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​Time management

​Following some philosophic suggestions we can say that time is the only thing we really have in life.
It starts with the first breath and ends with the last one.
Nevertheless we are used to say that healthy is the most important.
That’s true, healthy is very important, as long as we have time to live.
All this said, why time is never enough?
For a very simple reason. We misuse it.
If we misuse our healthy in the same way, for sure we had several problems.
How to use at the best our time?
Also in this case there are some difficulties in our common way of thinking.
Years back we proposed to coworkers of a company of Podium’s group to try an experiment.
Working less hours, but better organized, in order to try to have the same final result.
They refuse it.
Still nowadays somebody is not confident with the work better instead of more.
In this training we analyze deeply the use of time and some, not many, tricks how to perform its use better.
Of course this will target the personal organization too.
A ‘to do list’ is one of the focus, to work on empty table is another one, how to use part of our day to organize the coming hours is a third way. And so on.
Time is actually everything we have, do not waste it and let’s make it interesting and pleasant.
It’s only our life we are talking about.

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Building the future

​When life rolls, many of us aren’t thinking to the future.
When the world in general, or just our world, is freezing up, exactly at that moment we get crazy.
Future has no certainties to give, to anybody.
We know it’s a hard vision, but it’s exactly like that.
In this training we are pointing out a realistic view not sharing the classic view of training based on winning philosophy people.
In Podium we know exactly that everything is possible, since we already did a lot of that possible.
Nevertheless the future is tomorrow, and you can’t live in it.
The past was yesterday, and neither you can sit there.
Finally the ‘here & now’ if not based on proper thoughts is possible.
You need to build those thoughts.
We lead our training in a way that who is listening at the end will know how to do what, instead of empty thoughts that will see people lost after few days since they do not know how to act after theoretical training.
The strong point of this training is that we are giving a real vision of actions to impact on our behavior in order to change our destiny.
Today is the future of yesterday and tomorrow the one of today.
What we acted yesterday is revealing today.

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​Did you ever think to advantages to own two brains?
Or maybe even more.
All brains at your disposal, for free, without doing anything bad to anybody, simply doing an activity which we are born for.
We only have some difficulties to put it under practice.
In this training module we are concentrate how to do in few steps an enormous activity that could bring advantages in our professional life and not only.
It looks like one of the human activities less used is to listen.
Nevertheless we have been built with two ears and only one mouth.
It looks like we supposed to hear double as we imagine to talk.
Why isn’t working like that?
We analyze here in few practical steps how to listen and how to put all this in practice.
To listen is not only educated, but an endless advantage if we only can step forward.
Presumption and arrogance are fooling us.
They are also confusing us since we are taken by the necessity of shine and the lack of listening our own awareness.
If we only could listen it.
“To listen means owning, a part of our, the brains of others”, Leonardo da Vinci.

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To delegate

​A common way of thinking says that as much as you delegate, higher are you in the career.
The main fact is that few are able to delegate in a proper way.
This activity of delegation is ‘delicate’ since is requesting knowledge, capacity, several level of control, a panel for verification and a check master always on.
Are we pushing this issue too high?
Not exactly, we are talking of our multi-decades experience.
We tried many ways and finally we understood that the secret is not in the delegation itself, but it’s starting before.
Much before that. How long before?
We’ll explain it during this training focusing the connection between the one who is delegating and the delegated. This aspect is normally neglected.
Instead this moment needs a specific training.
You cannot improvise. You need to learn, when you got it, you can start.
If you do not lead this action in this way, you’ll always see overloaded persons and some other almost without job.
The final result will be tensions, and less working flow.
Exactly the opposite of the target we are looking for.
‘Doing myself makes it faster’, sure, if only one time.
If you need to repeat that job hundreds or thousands of times?
Probably was better to invest your time to delegate. Is delegating lowering your charisma?
We’ll see it’s not true.
We just need to argument those who thinks like that.

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No more Alibis

 The subtitle of this says: “Turn impossible into possible”.
When we got through the theory and practice of this training we’ll understand that all what we consider impossible in our job is just a limitation we gave our self.
We know how it’s hard to explain the real energy to the common sense.
There is the nest of our self-given limitations and we’ll focus them to eradicate with easy activities: thinking, examples and exercise.
Of course the character of each of us is the barricade where we all try to hide.
We won’t force and neither offend.
We’ll show that another way is possible and it might be worth to try.
Once this mental block is at least partially removed, and this is normally possible, to leave some alibis that are limitations to our job, the step becomes shorter.
After couple of times you’ll reach your target leaving the old alibis on old road, the way will run fast and faster.
To participate this module you need to be a bit at disposal to few and small changes.
Something like if you decide to stop to smoke.
Podium indicates the way, build up the bridges, but you need to have reasons to run over them.

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How to avoid wrong choices

​When for the first time we promote this training module, some people looked at us as we belonged to a cult of fortune teller.
Nothing is farer and nothing to do with fortune. If at this point we would describe this training as a 360 degrees vision for sure once again somebody would say we are ‘know-it-all’ guys. This is the right approach.
We mean the one of 360 degrees vision, not the ‘know-it-all’guys.
We’ll analyze how to make our vision wider, which instruments we need, which professionality we need to involve, in order to fix our vision.
The difference between a good realized project and a failing one is quite often in this particular focus.
The wider knowledge of the project we like to realize is directly connected with its success.
If you mistake before starting, the following errors will be giants and you’ll really do something bad to yourself.
We saw tenth, probably hundreds of cases in these years where the lack of right information and vision transformed careers in backwards
situations and built conflicts outside of any imagination.
We’ll describe the way, information are at disposal as never before. Fail a project is devastating for the person.
This is the reason why you need to avoid it.
We are sorry for those that didn’t get their target, even if we said them.

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Confidence in colleagues

​Confidence is for free, this means you could give as much as you like to everybody you’ll meet.
Everybody knows that is not like that.
In all companies, even in the smaller, due to the big interests across and around trust need to be given with the sense “I know what I’m doing”. This is a first focus. The attitude of trust that everybody has towards others in the company is the focus crossing organization, roles, delegate and expectations.
Expectation are foreseen of final results.
This is the reason you need to keep them seriously.
This training is crossing this focus and is bringing us to consider the daily micro-acts and shows how some roles are shining meanwhile others are going backward.
All this is not only depending by the company’s management, but also by the trust colleagues have among them.
This is another focus.
Finally we’ll analyze how lack of trust is depending by old considerations about the way we all managed our person towards others.
This managing could be even going back decades.
Here you’ll understand what your real environment is. Remember: “You won’t have a second occasion to do a good first impression”

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Power of silence

​There is power in the silence, it’s the one of listening.
Silence is empathetic, for those who are showing interest.
There is total destruction in the silence, it’s the one of those not listening to you, not answering, not taking any care of you.
Almost everybody in professional life was facing these situations.
Of course the last one is the most difficult to overcome.
Suddenly you’ll ask yourself what you are doing there.
These are the possible scenarios and they can be on our side, or against us.
They could be active in sense that we are the main actors, or we could even be victims of such situation.
In this training we explain the way how to escape the corners of these possible traps.
On the same way we’ll explain how not to let other feel as our victims.
This presentation with exercise is useful for those working in the sales dept. and that will meet people face to face every day.
You’ll learn all possible cases that in Podium we were facing hundreds of times, each of us.
Of course it works also in private life where we won’t put our fingers.
Silence is advantage and problematic.
As in all activities the most important is how to manage the issue.
Podium knows.

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Friendly reality

​Reality is how it is, and not the way you like it should be.
True. Sometimes true.
Almost never completely true.
We need to adapt and be flexible, we know this, we also have a whole module that is training this topic.
What we never said is how we can manage the reality to be on our side, or as much friendly as never before.
This presentation has no practical exercises, but video discussion that could be very useful.
We can make all this online and manage the discussion on the same way.
We’ll see how a reality that seems completely upside down, often, almost always, is just the result of decisions we took.
Luck and unlucky are quite often result of the same issue.
The issue is totally depending on us.
Of course ‘major-force’ exists, this is true, against that we feel powerless, even if …
Anyway let’s start from those cases that for their complexity we need to analyze section by section from a positive point of view.
Afterwards we will go deeper inside the most complicated issues.
We’ll discovery that nothing is that far from us and almost everything is possible to conduct to our needs even if before it was looking impossible. Podium will let you feel new sensations, with ideas that probably we know they exist, but we didn’t focused on the proper way.

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Fuck the comfort zone

​Comfort zone represents for each of us a quite place, but dangerous.
In this presentation we’ll explain how will not be possible to improve in our professional life if we maintain our comfort position.
We need to overcome what we normally think, do, imagine.
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking.
It cannot be changed without changing out thinking”.
Einstein is the brain who said these words and we fully agree.
To remain where we are means in other words not trying any personal improve.
This would be an impossible philosophy for any company and economy.
In this presentation we’ll learn how once again the flexibility is important but this time oriented to change.
We’ll also understand that the decision to move a step forward in the direction to leave the comfort zone will not represent the immediate realization of our dreams. It’s like a gym room.
Muscles will not grow if you just enter the room.
Neither after few training-sessions will they.
That’s it, the comfort zone it’s a bit bastard like the fat you like to cancel in the gym.
You need trainings, you need to be determinate.
Isn’t easy, but it works. We explain how to start and how to continue.
Our training is going on since years.
Take advantage of our knowledge, and start your own serious way.

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Judgement’s Fear

​This presentation will show her value with the example of story. A real one.
An overseas flight had still the three cockpit’s members.
Nowadays the third one doesn’t exit anymore.
This one saw some lack in the aircraft avionics, but he didn’t say anything.
Maybe the captain was too severe, or maybe he undervalue the avionic-lack.
In fact that flight crashed.
The final balance was of ten death and one hundred and seventy five other survival.
All this just because somebody didn’t say what he saw and what he eventually thought.
In a company the usual silence mainly depends by several reasons.
The most used excuse is fear to be considered a spy, fear not to be listen, and the idea that’s not my business.
Just these three could provide terrible damages to the company.
From this first consideration we’ll move our attention to another focus.
What’s the company’s culture to fight against the three above cited nonsense.
Those nonsenses could collapse any company.
In a company, as in a flight, the lack of information soon or later will cause serious issues.
Our duty is not only discover them, but also comply a company’s culture where who is telling us the issues will not be considered in a wrong way.

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Decision maker

​This looks like an activity related to the company’s management and above.
We are normally of the idea that the stairs upward is right location for this activity.
Maybe could it be different? Or better, could it be also different?
Constructing values, this one is not only on the highest level of the pyramid, taking as example a vertical organization to make it simpler.
At the pyramid’s base are also decisions necessary and those decisions could make the job flow easier and the quality of the job might become more profitable.
In this specific case, ‘more profitable’ doesn’t mean only more value at the end of the day due to our daily actions, but a strong sense of belonging.
This last aspect is rarely considered important, but it should become part of our duty and take space in our thoughts.
We need to understand, and we’ll make this focus clear, that loving the company’s flag can only lead to two things: bring the decision’s
level as low as possible in the pyramid, and share the decision’s process with all our coworkers. Including the last arrived.
Yes, sure, upstream.

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Resolving answer

​A good answer needs a correct done question.
It needs to be precise in terms of what it need to know.
An answer is resolving a situation when is able to clarify the issue without bad interpretation and possible misunderstandings.
How to do?
We have some concrete examples how to act, and how to prepare the right background to obtain actions which need to be positive, without any turning around and waste of time.
All this including which instruments to use to obtain faster results.
This activity is like fuel in a company.
There where this activity is not considered important is a company without future.

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Self confidence

​In this presentation we fly high focusing why certainties need to be transmitted and how to do it.
Most probably this one is a module that if you repeat several times each time you’ll get new ideas and several solicitations.
This is what we recommend.
It is dedicated to everybody, as usual, but with a strong and specific focus from mid-level manager and high level manager.
Of course for businessmen as well.
You’ll feel many advantages in doing this training since all what is going through this module is mirroring immediately inside your daily job.
The quantity and the quality of transmission is related how deep and wide our comprehension will be and how much of what we got will given
inside your organization.
This is not a miracle.
It depends on the simplicity and immediate vision a bit different of the way we always did things.
Strongly recommended.

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Sense of community

​We spent some words about this argument in other modules.
We already underlined how important is this activity that need to create something similar to a sentiment.
The sense of belonging is not included in a salary, neither is included in a job.
It’s something much deeper that everybody feels in a different way, and somebody do not feel at all.
The starting point is to love the job you are doing.
This is one of the milestone on the way that lead to understand this topic.
Other focuses are to share methods and final results.
Of course companies cannot forget their mission, on the other hand nobody has obligation to share the same point of view.
This is the knot of this training.
You’ll never get sense of belonging if the sharing ideas are too far from each other.
The effort to share these two aspects is not ordinary, neither prosaic.
We’ll see how to get it at the best to get best results soon and long lasting.

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Organization of space

​Space is a place where we act our professional life and not only.
In this presentation we’ll see in a synthetic way the several kind of spaces and the way how to organize them.
From our private space to the one we need to share in office to continue with the virtual one.
Virtual space is entering deeper and deeper in our life.
Who knows when it’ll finish to take more space around and inside us.
Order inside these spaces is of great importance.
We’ll analyze all of them discovering the relation between order and wellness.

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Brutal honesty

​This training is brutal, you can read in the title.
Here you’ll plan your honesty.
Not the one others are ready to admit to you, but the one you are ready to admit to yourself.
It’s a real hard job since we are ready to judge others, rarely us.
In the job alibis are the in the kingdom of “I would like, but I can’t”.
Here we naked them.
Your confrontation is not with a good, or less good, psychologist, but with somebody you’ll see on the other side of the mirror.
That one is you.
You can’t say everything is good if you are not able to sell or to close a contract. It’s not everything fine in that case.
Once again if you like to lift a weight without having trained, you’ll get injured, or you will not lift it.
Most probably both together will be the result.
This is not what we are looking for.
We’ll analyze how to escape the most common traps and the most complicated and possibly never fall again in them.

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Problem solving

​Once more the solution of one or more issues looks like duty for manager only.
This partly true.
Many businessmen are waiting from their employees solutions to daily issues.
This idea is again only half good.
Others would like that in the line of production everybody could solve own matters by herself.
This is a point why some companies are looking for coworkers with experience.
This third point is only partially valid.
The matter is this training is upstream therefore we have different points of view.
Otherwise each management book could be helpful in an ordinary way.
This is not the case. In this module we’ll see how the activity of ‘solving’ has own similar approach like the one of decision maker.
They are not only and always on the top of the scale of the company, but most important is that any request follow a right timing and a right way. Of course you have unexpected issues. They will always be.
Meanwhile we suggest to make free the seventy and more per cent of daily problems, after that everything will sounds much easier.
If you have time at disposal, managing what is remaining of usual issues, will be much easier.
It looks like a nonsense, but it works.
Podium we know.

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Are you touchy?

​Are you? We rarely found somebody who says: ‘I’m’.
Very few of us admit to be like that.
But looking around we know a lot of people are.
You can see it in the personal relations and sometimes it explodes in our offices.
This will be the focus we will analyze in this module.
We will also see how to fight against this bad attitude that if takes place in our offices we’ll live our job like a hell.
There are several methods, some of them coming from university researches, other coming out from our direct experience.
All of them are valid, but we’ll focus those useful for everybody inside the company.
In this specific case the most load of this work is on the shoulders of the management’s company since, as always, they need not only to slow down the reactions, but before that to try these effects not to happen.
As usual: easy, but meantime it’s not.

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