North  Germany

6 days

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1st Day: Hamburg
Arrival at Hamburg, the “metropolis on water”. The city is on the point in which the rivers Alster and Bille flow into Elba, which 110 km more on north-south flows into the Sea of North. It is passed by a thick net of canals called Fleete; the city’s center surrounds two artificial lakes one of them, the Binnenalster Lake, was inside the antique walls of the village. After a panoramic tour of the city, accommodation in a hotel, dinner and overnight.

2nd Day: Hamburg
Breakfast and an entire day guided visit of Hamburg. A second city if Germany after the capital for number of citizens, it distinguishes for the fact that is a seat of important industries and for its port, notable in continental Europe for traffics and expanse. Many tourists are amazed of the contrasts between the old city and the modern city, with baroque churches and historic residential quarts and imposing edifices with splendid glass facades. Hamburg also offers so much fun: famous between all is the quart Sankt Pauli, that hits for the night life with many locals which collect all those who wish to party. Here is also the local “Kaiserkeller” that became famous because of Beatles  in the middle of 600s of the XX century.
it was in Hamburg where we had made real progresses. We needed to try everything that we had in our minds. There was no one to copy from. We were playing what we wanted the most, and for the Germans that was ok, until the volume was up.” John Lennon.
Another famous quarts are the Sankt Georg, peak of hotels, the Altona, rich of places for shopping, the Sternschanze, visited by students, the Neustadt, devastated in the era from the wars and now put back together. Lunch in a restaurant. In the evening a return in the hotel, dinner and overnight.

3rd Day: Hamburg – Bremen  (255 km)
Breakfast and an excursion to Bremen, the “city of pleasures” with delight for the palate, but also a joy for the eyes and the ears. It is a city of the art and culture, of the parks and gardens, of romantic quarts and elegant galleries rich of shops. A guided visit to live the history of Bremen: the Ratskeller, which is in the famous arch under the Rathaus, where are guarded over 600 German wines; one tuff in the mysterious “lead cellar” of Duomo, where are kept disturbing mummies; one jump in the fairy world of the Stadtmusikanten, the four musicians of Bremen protagonists of a famous fairytale of the Grimmbrothers, to whom is dedicated one monument on the south side of Rathaus. After the lunch in a restaurant, proceeding of the visit to Beck’s, one of the most famous and drunk beers in the world, that in this city was born. The symbol of Beck’s is the up side down key of the city Bremen. In the evening a return to Hamburg for dinner and overnight.

4th Day: Hamburg – Lübeck (137 km)
After the breakfast, departure to the guided visit of the Hanseatic city Lübeck, cultural world’s patrimony, yesterday a queen of Hansa, today an artistic good protected by UNESCO. The medieval historic center is one of the most beautiful of Europe and is dominated by 7 towers of its gothic churches in bricks and from over 1000 monuments of antique memory. Attractions of touristic interest: the Holstentor, the most famous and antique gate of the city, from 1478 and is the symbol of the prestige village. The Duomo, the MunicipalPalace, the Church of Saint Maria, from which we bring you these curiosities: on one side of the church there is the statue of a sympathetic little devil. It is been told that when the edification started, the devil thought to build a tavern and because of that he helped the workers. When he realized that it was a church, he immediately started to destroy it. One of the chef masters, proposed to the devil to conclude together the construction of the church, in return to be built a tavern near there. It was like that in a few steps from there, today we can find the famous taverns of Ratsweinkeller. After the lunch, a visit of Puppenbrücke (the Bridge of the Dolls), the first stone bridge constructed in the Hanseatic city, followed by many courts and streets. Return to Hamburg for dinner and overnight.

5th Day: Lübeck – Wismar – Rostock (260 km)
Brealfast and departure to Rostock, one of the main cultural and economic centers of the Land for its strategic position, the port, the Gothic Baltic, the historic belonging of Rostock to the Hanseatic League and the important University. Events in Rostock: the historic regatta of Hanse Sail, big popular party of the sailing which in August, brings majestic sailing ships and museum ships, brigantines, schooners, pirate ships. During the path a visit of Wismar, the only Hanseatic medieval city of these dimensions of the Baltic southern region to have preserved its antique structure. In the XIV and XV century was an affirmative commercial center of Ansa; the old port, the artificial canal “Grube”, the village plant that conserves the particular division of the streets and squares, the splendid sacred architecture in gothic style which perches in the stores and the medieval bourgeois houses document the importance of Wismar and because of this, the historic center of the city was added on the list of Patrimony of humanity UNESCO.
The red bricks: churches, public palaces, houses, entrance gates of the city, are majorly characterized by the red color and because of this Wismar is called “city of red bricks”. Lunch in a restaurant. In the evening a return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.

6th Day: Return

Breakfast and departure for the return at home.