The two Republics

6 days

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​The Czechoslovakia was an independent state that existed from 1918 till 1992. The division of the country happened on the 1st of January 1993, getting the name of Czech Republic and Slovakia.

1st Day: Slovakia / Bratislava
Bratislava is rich of baroque palaces and imposing villas of court imperial Austrian-Hungarian families. Arrival in the late afternoon in the capital of Slovakia that was also capital of the Hungarian Reign and for centuries was the home of historic personalities, Slovakian, German and Hungarian. Accommodation in hotel, dinner and overnight.

2nd Day: Slovakia / Bratislava – Czech Republic / Brno (1455 km)
Half a day dedicated to the visit of Bratislava. It is interesting its urban and economic develop  after the separation of the ex Czechoslovakia, into the actual Republic Slovakia. The historic center of the Old City (Stare Mesto) is entirely pedestrian, with the main square (Hlavnenamestie) in which there are the MunicipalityHall, the Fountain with the statue of MassimilianoII. The legend says that sometimes it turns around and starts to walk backwards! All the historic center is a following of palaces that are perfectly conserved and streets. The big squareHviezdoslav with the National Theater and the one of Philarmonic, in winter becomes a big ice track and in summer a gigantic chessboard. The Saint Martino church is the most beautiful gothic construction of the city. The symbol o Bratislava is the imposing Castle (Bratislavskyhrad) at 85 meters of highness, dominates the river Danube.

Curiosity: the historic center of Bratislava is rich of sculptures of person with natural size that appear from every angle. The most photographed by the tourists is the statue of Cubic the voyeur, the bronze figure of a man that peeks under a cover of the manhole, you can find it on the angle between the street Panska and laurinska. After the lunch, stage at the wonderful Castle of Lednice that is in the middle of a big park, the complex “Lednice - Valtice”, patrimony of UNESCO. The actual aspect of the Castle is from the middle of XIX century, when it became a summer residence for the Habsburg Dinasty, constructed and decorated in English neo gothic cool style. Proceeding to Brno with arrival in the night. Accommodation in hotel, dinner and overnight. 
The language: in Czech Republic the spoken language is different from the language used by the media and the literature, at Brno these differences are bigger because of the dialect in this city: a mixture of Czech, German, Yiddish… For example: “money” in Czech is “penize” and in Brno “love”. “Tram” that in Czech is “tramvaj”, at Brno is called “salina.”

3rd Day: Brno – Prague (210 km)
Half a day dedicated to the visit of the city. The Cauliflower Square (Zelnytrh) with the Moravian museum is the heart of the historic center and a departure point for the guided visit. In the center of this square rises the magnificent Parnas Fountain. The neo gothic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, rises on a hill directly in the center of the city, from which it can be admired a splendid view. The near church of Saint Giacomo has a tower 92 meters high and is the second biggest ossuary of Europe. the Spielberg Fortress was used like a civil prison, with a torture room that today is very visited by tourists. Between the famous persons that were closed there we mention the Italian poet Sivio Pellico, the baron Trenck and the thief Babinsky. After lunch, departure to Prague with the predicted arrival at dinner time. Accommodation in hotel, dinner and overnight. Free evening for the first walk in the city.

4th Day: Pragua
For the entire day: guided visit of the city. Morning dedicated to the Prague’s panorama from the Strahov Monastery, to the complex of the Prague’s Castle that dominates the city, with its imposing constructions such as the Cathedral of Saint Vito which is the symbol of the Czech religiosity, the Basilica of Saint Giorgio and the famous Golden Alley, where the alchemists were experimenting the long life elixir and tested the magic formula to transform the metals in gold. Passing the small streets of the Small City, we arrive in restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon we proceed the visit with the IsleKampa called also “Small Venice of Prague”, with the antique mill on the canal called “Certovka” or “of the Devil”. Dinner and overnight.

5th Day: Prague
Day dedicated to the antique heart of Prague, a guided visit of the new City and Old City with the SaintVenceslaoSquare and the National Theater, and the Clock’s Square, the Bridge Carlo that unifies Malastrana with the Old City and the Hebraic Quart. The Dance house, an incredible modern building, dedicated to the big dancing couple Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. After the lunch, free time at disposal for some shopping:

The Bohemian crystal is an excellent souvenir from Prague, that was born from an antique artisan tradition. This decorative glass, in fact, was elaborated over seven centuries and is a real local masterpiece: there are realized chalices, cups, vases, bottles, sculptures, artistic glass, ornaments, chandeliers, favors and costume jewellery. The Becherovka, the herbal liquor exists from the 1870 and the recipe is still secret. It should be drunk cold has a sweet-bitter taste and digestive properties. Dinner and overnight.

6th Day: Return
After the breakfast departure for the return at home.