The islands of the gulf of Naples and the Amalfi Coast 

6 days

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1st Day: The Isle of Procida
If you take a hydrofoil from Naples, in less than an hour you’ll arrive to the Isle of Procida (Pròceta in Neapolitan), the smallest isle of the Neapolitan gulf. Marina Grande “Sent’Co” like it is called by the Procida’s people is the first postcard that collects the tourists that have just arrived on the island. In the promontory of the antique fortress of walled land, the Cathedral of San Michele Arcangelo guards the precious painting of San Michele which defeats the Satan attributed to Luca Giordano. The visit continues on foot to the historic centre which is  around 90 m higher than the sea, until Palace of Avalos. Ex prison of Bourbon. The most antique navy of the isle is the Corricella.

Curiosity: Corricella obtained a planetary fame when Apple and after that Microsoft, have advertised the respected products (iphone and tablet) with the sea image of this beautiful village. The magic moment of this small navy has been seen also in different scenes of the movie “Il Postino” with Massimo Troisi.

2nd Day: Capri Island
In less than an hour with a ferry-boat from Naples you’ll arrive al Grande Navy, on the isle Capri, the “stone queen” of Pablo Neruda, which has always been associated to a glamorous and elite tourism. Visit of Anacapri and the Villa San Michele by minibus, built by the Swedish doctor and writer Axel Munte. Walk in Capri: The Via Camarelle of luxury shopping, the famous Piazzetta, the Augusto Gardens from which you can enjoy superb view between Faraglioni and Piccola Navy.

Curiosity: Capri and Anacapri have embellished themselves of elegant villas, caprice from this or that magnate. He styles are different like were different the sensibility and vices of costumers. “Casa come me” the villa of Curzio Malaparte on the Punta Masullo, built in 1938, is one of the masterpieces of the modern architecture. It is told that in his abode, Malaparte has written a big part of “Kaputt”, one of his most famous novels. This jewel of the rationalism of the twentieth century is photographed from so many “tourists of the architecture” fascinated by its grandeur.

3rd Day: Ischia Island
From the Pozzuoli’s port direct boarding to the isle of green thermals and the clear sea: Ischia. Casamicciola and Lacco Ameno, areas rich of thermal sources; Forio, which conserves its historic centre dominated by Epomeo Mount; Serrara-Fontana, the highest community; Barano, from always well-known for its beauty and the spectacular panoramics.

Curiosity: Ischia was unknown touristic destination for the biggest part of the Italians, when in 1951 Angelo Rizzoli, an editor and cinematograph, arrived there on its yacht. Long story short in less than 10 years Rizzoli trasformes the isle in one international destination: invites divas from Hollywood, Italians, artists, musicians. With his magazines advertizes the Ischia’s hotels in entire world and with the cinematographic house films movies that have made Ischia a place loved in whole world, almost a obligatory destination for the “people who count” in the years 50s and 60s. Richard Burton, Liz Tylor, Ava Gardner, Charlie Chaplin, the Duchi of Windsor, visited Iscia and remained enchanted.

4th Day: Pompei
The antique city of Pompei is the archeological side most visited in the world thanks to the remains well kept the city buried from the volcanic eruption in 79 AD. Its population didn’t know how to live under the shadow of one sleepy volcano from more than 1500 years and because of that they didn’t escaped on time despite the old Plinio, the admiral of the roman fleet tried to save them right after an eruption. The city was erased from the collective memory for hundreds of years until the first diggings. Long the principal streets (lecardines or decumani) and the secondaries (viae or itinera), were rising altars for the cult of the gods Lari, also stores, offices, on which walls there were aside graffiti, epigrams, love poems and inventiveness of Greek, Latin Oscan and Aramaic languages too.

Curiosity: the House of the Tragic Poet is the emblem of the abode of the imperial authority, on a mosaic floor it is represented the dog tied on a chain, the famous “Cave canem”. The House of the Surgeon, from the roman age, one of the oldest residences of the city, owes its name to the discovery of about forty surgical tools such as probe, catheter, forceps, pincers and scalpel. The House of the chaste lovers hosted an industrial bakery with an oven, for the preparation of the bread, stores, place for sale and stable when there were found skeletons of mules. The House of the rich baker was in restoration. The name of the house is born from fresco found in the dining- room which represents two chaste lovers on banquet. The House of the Faun is one of the most ample houses in the city, it owes its name to one bronze statue, satyr symbol, the entrance has on its colorful floor a writing, which reports the greeting Have, just to show the culture of the owner, expert in Latin language. In the afternoon visit to the historic centre of Naples: the San Gennaro’ Duomo, Via of the Tribunals, the San Lorenzo Maggiore’s Church one of the first monumental complexes of the city, Via San Gregorio Armeno, Spaccanapoli, San Domenico Square, The Capella Sansevero known by the amazing statue of veiled Christ, Santa Chiara’s Church with its splendid earthenware cloister, Square of Jesus that hosts Pignatelli and San Felice the palaces from eighteenth-century, the baroque Guglia from the Immacolata  and the Church if New Jesus.

Curiosity: Naples is a town of magic and superstition. For its alleys it is said that they “si aggirino ‘o munaciello” (spiteful spirit) and they  ‘a bella ‘mbriana (kind spirit). Very famous is also the antique Neapolitan smirk where you can obtain the loto numbers with the interpretation of the dreams.

5th Day: The Amalfi Coast
A day on the Amalfi Coast: a panoramic break on the Positano’s Belvedere just to enjoy from a high point the suggestive scenario from this authentic jewel heartfelt in the stone. From every point of the land you can admire the dome in multicolored majolica of the Collegiate of Santa Maria Assunta that inside it safeguards the Madonna Nera’s icon.

Curiosity: it was discovered by one elite holiday people composed of intellectuals, artists and celebrities that in the beginning of the Twentieth century chose Positano for an exclusive place for a vacation. From Escher to Steinbeck, from Picasso to Klee, from Zeffirelli to Liz Taylor. “Voluntary prisons in one mythological scenery” like they liked to call themselves.   We proceed to Praiano, fisherman village and seaside locations. Break in Concadei Marini and a visit of the Gritta dello Smeraldo, named like that because of the particular coloring of the water produced of the light that penetrates you. Arrival at Amalfi, the most antique maritime Republic in Italy. Visit of the Duomo, founded in IX century, dedicated to S.Andrea and the gracious historic centre. Other fascinating localities: Minori, Maiori, Cetara until you arrive to Vietri sul Mare.Curiosity: Minori praises one “sweet” primate: it is “the city of the taste”, famous for the production of sweet: most famous the lemon candies are the honor of this area. Cetara has its name from Latin “cetari” or fisherman of big fishes. It is a funny fact the circumstance of the economy of the small community which holds on the hunt of anchovy!

6th Day: Reggia di Caserta
Caserta, visit of the Reggia Venvitelliana. Between the most luxorious palaces in the world, the Reggia was achieved from Vanvitelli in XVIII century under Carlo Third’s authority of Borbone; the complex is decorated by one park rich of waterfalls and fountains from the English Garden, a real vegetable garden rich with plants and flowers derived from all the parts of the world. Curiosity: it extends on 47.000 sq.m. which makes it the planet’s most real and ample residence. More than 1200 rooms and 1742 windows, all disposed according one very strict order. The construction work began on the 20 January 1752, the day of the king’s birthday. There would have been finished several decades later after one complex cost of almost 8.800.000 ducats: today more than 300 billion of Euros. In Reggia di Caserta were filmed some scenes of two movies from the saga Star Wars: Ep. 1 The Phantom Menace; Ep. 2 Attack of the Clones. Anecdotes: the biggest movement tied to the Reggia di Caserta is the one related to cataloguing of the objects from the Piemonte’s functionaries after the annexation of the Kingdom of the Due Sicilie, that happened in 1861. In front of one object that was never seen (and used) before, one of the officials of the Savoy noted: “A strange unknown object in form of guitar”. It was the bidet.