Turin’s stories

3 days

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1st Day: Turin – Seventh of Turin (26 km)
Turin, an aristocratic city, but visited by poets and writers. In the morning a literary walk: from the German poet-philosopher Nietzeche, who lived several years in the city and had exactly here the first signs of his madness, before the Torquato Tasso who has stayed in the palace which the Este family have had in the city. Discovering places where writers and poets have set their operas like Edmondo de Amicis in his book Cuore or Umberto Eco in the II Cimitero fi Praga. In the afternoon a visit of the Manufacturing Aurora where are produced the fountain pens with the last stage in the Museum of the Writing.

Curiosity: During the tour we can observe the house where, it is been told, Friedrich Nietzche became mad; let yourself be surprised by the ex Grand Hotel Europe, where happened the love story of Balzac and admire the Carignano Theater, a place of debut for hundreds of masterpieces. -       Torquato Tasso in Turin was welcomed by the marches Filippo d’Este and enjoyed a peaceful period which has given him an opportunity to compose poetry and initialize three dialogues, the Nobility, the Dignity and the Priority. -       c/o Manufacturing Aurora can be observed from close the few fazes of production: the projection, the printing, the working of the metallic parts, the washing and the polishing. Until discover the heart of the instrument, the nib. Finally the last fazes: the montage and the test. Proceeding the tour in the Museum of Writing (1 hour of duration).

2nd Day: Turin – Avigliana and Susa (28 km)
A day dedicated to Avigliana and Susa to understand the reason why Valsusa included between her children, natural and no, a so big number of artists. Writers and poets, painters, musicians, sculptors and ceramic men, directors of movies from recognized value such as: Primo Levi, Luigi Angelino, Ponto Giuseppe… Is it a matter of air? Maybe… Here we can admire and enjoy a splendid natural park with so many trails, routes and antique lakes. In fact the historic center of Avigliana offers many attractions to see like the medieval Castle, the Clock’s Tower and one church in gothic style.

Curiosity: Primo Levi in Avigliana found job and love. Here he wrote his most famous opera: “Se questo è un uomo”, a text that became a classic of the global literature.
Included between the traditional agribusiness products of Piedmont and recognized like Slow Food, the toma of laitbrusc, called also white alpine, is a cheese row cow typical of the Val di Susa. The Piedmont’s name means in English “sour milk toma” and like a dish is often served together with polenta and salami and is tasted with red wines full-bodied of its strong and decided taste.

3rd Day: Turin, discovering the murals of the Urban Art
Turin, a opened sky museum realized in the Campidoglio village when artists from all different countries have make a collection of examples of Urban Art creating an unique and suggestive path. The Campidoglio  village was born in 1853 like a working quart, and today still conserves its original structure which makes of it a real “country in the city”. The project of the Museum of Urban Art was born on 1955, from a project of urban requalification: not only the Author’s Benches, there are also real operas realized on the building’s walls. The path of the urban art can be devoted in other zones of the city, where during the time were created installations of contemporary art and street art.

CuriosityMore than 170 operas realized on walls of houses and squares, freely visited. The route includes not only murals, but also the “Author’s Benches”.
You can reserve guided visits, in bikes and with artist -       The collaboration with the citizens of the quart is fundamental to find spaces where the operas live. There were created strong bounds with the many cellars, wine shops and piolas from the quart, in which you can stop at the end of the itinerary to taste typical products and local wines.