Break in Croazia

4 Giorni

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1st Day: Split – Trogir (29.2 km)
Arrival to Split early in the morning by a farry boat. Start of the panoramic tour with the village of Dalmatia, the second biggest in Croatia. Founded like a Greek colony, the very first person from Split was still considered the imperator Diocletian who in 293 year AC started to build his residence just to move in there after abandoning the throne.   The palace of Diocletian is in fact one of the principals attractions of the city which walls were closing the centre of the city. It was built with white stones derived from the Brac island so the imperator wanted also to be used marble from Carrara and sphinx derived from Egypt like the granite one that stands  on the entrance of the temple of Jupiter. The San Doimo’s Cathedral, by origin was mausoleum of Diocletian; converted in a cathedral in the VII century from the bishop then when the sarcophagus that contented the remains of Diocletian were sostituited with the remains of San Doimo. From the top of its bell tower you can admire a view of all the city. In the undergrounds, in origins stores there are today exhibitions and permanent markets. The Peristil square is the central square of the palace and from there the imperator went out to show himself to his subjects. Today it is often used like a theatral stage thanks to the great uqualities of the sound. From the 1979 year the Diocletian’s Palace was declared for an UNESCO Patrimony. Before going away from Split it is recommended to take a walk to its seafront that from the centre will take you to the navy admiring fascinating perspectives of the city. Around 29 km from Split there is a small village nominated for an UNESCO patrimony, Trogir which is connected to the land with a bridge. Considered one of the architectonic jewels of Dalmatia, the visit of the city includes the City Hall’s church to he cathedral of San Lorenzo, from Venetian era. In that point arrival in the hotel, dinner and overnight.

Curiosity: Every year in Trogir during summer from the 21st of june until the end of august it is organized “Trogir summer” spectacles and events from classic and folk music making beautifull the evenings of the city. In Trogir until few decades ago every night the gates were closed so that no one could come in or get out until the next morning. A little out of the Split’s walls there is the statue of Gregory of Nin (Grgur Ninski) a bishop from around the X century and it is known that by touching his big toe brings happiness, because of that the statu has been nominated like the statue of the shiny big toe. 

2nd Day: Split – Dubrovnik (230 km)
Arrival at Dubrovnik in the morning and start of the panoramic tour of the city. In Italian Ragusa, facing the Adriatic Sea, Dubrovnik is called “A pearl of the Adriatic Sea” for its beauty. During the years it became one of the must visit destinations for the tourists that arrive in the southern part  of Croatia in summer and in winter. Dubrovnik is surrounded by 1940 m of medieval walls that were good conserved during the years in their original shape. Its erect walls between the X and the XVII century defending the city also the historic centre are from the 1979 year protected from UNESCO. Through the Gate Pile we will enter into the heart of Dubrovnik passing through the “Stradun”, its principal street. Originally precisely because of medieval origin there was also a lifting bridge on the fosse which today have become green area. “Stradun” the stroll which passes through whole historic centre from Gate Pile to the square of Loggia rises up in 1468 year and build in calcareous white stone. Between the most famous arts of the city there is the Grand Fountain of Onofrio from fifteenth century. Still in function although the terrible earthquake in 1667 year originallu was projected by Onofrio della Cavain order to stock the citizens of the water in the River Dubrovacka. The same Onofrio de la Cava projected in 1435 the Palace of the Rectors, once a residence of the city’s rector and today historic museum of the history of th republic of Ragusa. After that we arrive in the Square of Loggia, meeting for the citizens of the place and the heart of the old city from where stands out the Clock tower and the Loggia of the Campane from which the square gets its name. In the centre of the square of Loggia stands out the church of San Biagio, the patron of the city from the beginning of the eighteenth century. Its relics make part of the treasure of the Cathedral of the Assumption in the end of seventeenth century projected by the Italian Andrea Bufalini. Very interesting are also the paintings of the Italian and Croatian school inside the XVI / XVIII century and the big altar of the Assumption of the virgin of Tiziano. In the end of the visit very suggestive is walking freely along the street between small souvenir shopsand for the most fearless to arrive to the fortess of Lovrijenac just to enjoy the panoramic view from a highness of 40 m ASL climbing up around 200 stairs. The fortress was built in the beginning of XI century for a protection of the attacks of the venetians and like a tower for lookout post. On the entrance of the tower there is written in Latin “Non bene pro toto libertasvenditur auro” (the liberty can not be bought for the entire gold in the world). Dinner and overnight in a hotel of the zone of Dubrovnik.

Curiosity: Dubrovnik from the 2014 year was attacked by the fans of the TV series “Game of thrones” and the fortress of Lovrijenac is the “red fortress” of the same series. Today this fortress is place where weddings and other events happen.  In the Square of Loggia the Clock tower is also famous for its “zelenci”, “the green twins” two bronze figures that make a sound of the 2-ton 500 bell rings at the stroke of the hour.

3rd Day: Dubrovnik – Islands Elaphiti – Dubrovnik
A day for a relax with an excursion in the islands Elaphiti by a local boat. Composed by 13 islands and only 3 of them are populated. Kolocep unites the beach and the profume of the pines centuries-old with the culture. The capella of Saint Antonio hosts one of the works of Ivan Ugrinovic, one of the most famous between the artists of Dubrovnik. Sipan, the biggest one, well-known by its peaceful beaches. Lopud with its Franciscan monastery of the XV century and the famous sand beach Sunj 30 min on foot away from the port. Fish picnin on the boat and return to the hotel in the late afternoon. Dinner and overnight in hotel.

Curiosity: The people of the island of Lopud had a fame of being a sea experts, and because of that were hired on the Spain  boats to fight during the wars for example against Portugal England.

4th Day: Dubrovnik – Sibenik – Split (317 km)
Departure from Dubrovnik to arrive in the evening on the port of Split to catch the ferry-boat for a return to Italy. Not so far away from Split we will visit the wonderful village of Sibenik, one of the first villages founded by the Croatians on the Adriatic Sea around 1066 year. Between the most representative works we can admire the cathedral of Saint Giacomo part of the UNESCO patrimony from the 2000 year is a seat of the bishop of Sibenik. The works of realization were from the beginning leaded from Venetian masters then from Toscanians and in the end from Croatian mastrers from which has been derived the perfect intersection of different cultures. It was consecrated in the 1555 year. Another representative work of the city is without a doubt the Fortress of Saint Nicolo’, also a patrimony of UNESCO from the 2017 year. It took the name of the Benedictian monastery of San Nicola and was realized in bricks only because they were considered the most resistant to cannon shots than stone. In the afternoon departure to the port of Split for the fulfillment of the practices of the boarding.

Curiosity:  The fortress of Saint Nicolo’ was never used like one in the eyes of the enemies it looked exactly impregnable that wasn’t even close to the enemies. From 2014 year in the superior court of the fortress there are often concerts and operas under open sky.