Classic Portugal

6 days

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1st Day: Lisbon
Arrival on the airport of Lisbon, the European capital posted more to west and the only one that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, Vasco da Gama started exactly from here his journey to the discover of the Indies. We pass the magnificent Bridge Vasco de Gama long over 17 km. accommodation in hotel, dinner and overnight.

2nd Day: Lisbon
Breakfast and a morning dedicated to the visit of the main monuments of the city. The Monastery dos Jeronimos, one of the most representative buildings of the Manuel style, a sumptuous architecture between the late gothic and the renaissance style, inspired by the king Manuel I.

Curiosity: the site of the Monastery corresponds to the place in which once there was the small church dedicated to Ermida do Restelo, in which Vasco de Gama and his equipage passed the night before the departure to the journey that has defined the route to India. King Manuel I wanted to build the monastery to celebrate the big navigator and the power of the reign of Portugal. Today it hosts the thumbs of the same king Manuel I and the family and also the thumbs of Vasco de Gama and of the poet Luis de Camoes. In the chapel the tomb of the writer Fernando Pessoa. We proceed to the tower of Belem, a symbol of the city that stands alone against the sea and the blue sky. It is one of the most representative monuments of Lisbon and is a part of the patrimonies of humanity UNESCO. This bastion 30 meters high and surrounded by 4 towers was built for a defensive reason and founded by gothic and byzantine elements.

Curiosity: it’s been said that its position during the years is mutated. Constructed in the middle of water, today the tower is almost on the shores of the river, because of the movement of the coast and not because of the earthquake of the 1755 year, like it’d been said in the past. A visit of Alfama quart, the most antique quart of Lisbon that was a residence of nobles and dealers. The signs of that happy period and long time ago are staying in the details of the old Moorish palaces and in the many fountains hidden in the patios. With the following development of new quarts in the city, Alfama finished to be populated only by fishermen with small shops, grocery stores and casas de Fado, the locals where you can hear the traditional Portuguese music. A referring point of every musician of this genre is the Museum do Fado, that is in Alfama and has centuries of history of this musical tradition. The Cathedral, called by the protagonists Se de Lisboa, is a church in Romanesque style constructed in 1147, on the ruins of an antique mosque.
The Castle of Sao Jorge is one of the most antique buildings of the city and one of the most suggestive and most visited sites. Its position, on the tallest hill of Lisbon, gives a breath-taking view of entre city and of the river Tago; you can’t miss the visit of the walls for a view at 360 degrees. For those who can’t climb up to the Castle, we suggest the visit of the Museum of the carriages, that exhibits the famous collection of carriages of the Portuguese King’s house. The afternoon is at disposal for a walk and shopping. Curiosity: the most famous Tram of Lisbon is Electrico28,  put in function in 1872 originally was driven by horses. It is a small yellow creaking tram that runs through vertiginous ups and downs; in some points the streets that trespasses are so thin that the tram are passing very close to the walls of the houses.

3rd Day: Lisbon – Fatima (130 km)
Breakfast and departure to Fatima. Full board in hotel and a day dedicated to the visit of the city in which on the 13th of March 1917 year three poor pastors Lucia, Giaginta and Francisco, were testimonies of the appearance of Madonna. A visit of the Sanctuary of Madonna of Fatima and of the Chapel ofAppearances, that hosts the statue of Virgin Maria and on whose crown you can see the bullet that shot Pope Giovanni Paololl in 1981. Not so far away is the birth house of the three pastors: the Casa dos Pastorinhos. The 13th day of every month, from May to October, the Sanctuary of Fatima collects thousands of pilgrims to celebrate the dates of the appearances of Madonna to the three pastors.

4th Day: Fatima – Porto (195 km)
After the breakfast departure to Porto, the second city of Portugal, on the river Douro. Lunch in restaurant and an afternoon dedicated to the guided visit of the historic center of the city, declared patrimony of humanity of UNESCO. La Ribeira is the most picturesque quart and the most visited, on the river’s shores, it is a following of small streets and houses decorated by the typical azulejos. The bridge Dom Luis I is an icon and a symbol of the city, it connects the two shores of the river Douro. Its construction started in the 1881 by the engineer Theophile Seyrig, close collaborator of Gustave Eiffel. The structure reminds in some way of the works of Eiffel, thanks to the use of the iron, a material that was so dear to the famous French architect. The Cathedral is the main Catholic church of the city. It is in a high point and from its square there is a beautiful view. Along the Avenida de Diogo Leite, situated on the opposite shore of the river Douro, opens a paradise for those who love wine: here in fact are the cellars of all the producers of the famous wine Porto (in Portuguese Vinho do Porto), exported in entire world. Accommodation In hotel, dinner and overnight.

5th Day: Porto – Coimbra – Lisbona (330 km)
Breakfast and departure to Coimbra, not only the most important university city and most antique of the country, is also the birth city of the six Kings of Portugal. A city of narrow and steep streets, paved with peddles, patio, stairways and medieval arches. A guided visit of the historic center and of the University.

University curiosity: the freshmen, on their entrance, chose godfather or godmother to  trespass the streets with can tied on the ankles. Lunch in a restaurant in the center and free time at disposal for shopping and individual visits. In the afternoon we departure to Lisbon. Dinner in typical restaurant with a spectacle of Fado, the Lisbon’s music, that comes from the depth of the Portuguese soul. Overnight. Cuisine: the baccala is the most eaten fish in Portugal. The cod is dried and salted, according the fisherman Portuguese tradition, that has developed this technique before the invention of the freezers, letting the fish to maintain as much as possible. 2 famous dishes of baccala: Bacalhau à Gomes daSa  a casserole with cod, potatoes, onion and hard-boiled eggs, and Bacalhau à Brás scrambled eggs, cod, match potatoes and onions.

6th Day: Lisbon

Breakfast and free time for individual visits and last shopping. Lunch in restaurant and transfer to airport for the return at home.

Portuguese souvenirs: the Sughero, one of the natural most typical products of the country. The Oreficeria in watermark. Still today the women that are participating in the traditional celebrating, feature objects of watermark  that are a part of the traditional clothes of the bride. The Azulejo, small quadrate glazed that in Portugal can be seen everywhere.