The Barcelona of Gaudì 

3 days

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​The talented Spanish architect Antoni Gaudì (1852-1926) was the biggest exponent of the Catalan modernism, who distinguished in his style for the radical love of the nature. Corbusier has defined him like the “shaper of the stone, of the brick and the iron”. Seven of his works in Barcelona are on the list of humanity patrimonies UNESCO.

1st Day: Barcelona (Ramblas –Gothic Neighborhood)
Arrival on the airport of Barcelona and transfer to the hotel. Accommodation n the rooms and next is the visit of the historic center, in one of the most emblematic places of the city, the famous Ramblas, a street 1.4 km long that connects the Placa de Catalunya with the Port Vell. On the highness of Placa Catalunya we proceed with the Gothic Neighborhood, one of the most antique quarts in Barcelona, to get to know the roman medieval origins of the city. Between the picturesque streets og the Gothic Quart, we admire the Basilica of Saint Maria del Pi (“pi” means “pine” in Catalan) in gothic-Catalan style. Carrer del Bisbe is the most photographed street in the quart, on which are rising two gothic edifices: the Cases del Canonges and the Palau dela Generalitat, connected by a beautiful bridge of arches called “Bishop’s bridge”. In the Carrer de Santa llucia in the weekends are sang lyrical amateur songs. The very thin streets, on which once have lived Hebraic communities, of El Call Prima from the XV century. There are so many streets to be discovered between the shops, libraries, chocolate shops and coffee shops. Dinner and overnight.

Pills of history: according one of so many legends, the one that built Barcelona was the Carthaginian Amilcare Barca, the father of Hannibal. Right after the Romans reorganized the city, that still can be noticed in the streets of the historic center and In the roman walls that have left.

2nd Day: Barcelona (house Battlo – house Mila – Sagrada Familia – Parc Guell)
Breakfast and entire city dedicated to the visit of the Gaudi’s works. Lunch during the excursion. The house Batllo, on the civic number 43 on Passeig de Gracia, is considered one of the most original creations of the architect. Its frontal façade, carved in sandstone of Montjuic, has been moved by a corrugated rhythm and is characterized by powerful columns, similar to elephant paw, to make the building look nigger that it really is. The house from the outside is embellished by ceramics that on the sun creates a magical game of reflexes. The bizarre form of the balconies are reminding of theatrical masks to some, to other bats, and to other of human skulls (also acquiring the nickname of “casa de lochuesos” of the bones ). On the roof, finally, there are grass-green chimneys and a cylindrical turret decorated with the anagrams of Jesus (IHS), Maria (M with the duke’s crown) and Joseph (JHP) and surmounted by the classic Gaudian lume with a horizontal cross, to symbolize the cardinal points. Like a result of it, also the intern of the house follows curves and its because of it that it is so extravagant and fascinating.

Curiosity: with house Batlo, Gaidu shows the second modernist beginning with which there are straight lines and angles in the nature. He has never explained his work and headed the works of the façade without precise projects, like usually did. He build a house full of symbols, a canvas that explains a history that everyone can complete with his own imagination. On the number 29 of Passeig de Garsia we admire the last important civil construction of Gaudi, house Mila, called La Pedrera (the stone quarry), characterized by three different facades. The many external windows re –evocate the caves and the natural openings in the stone. 

Curiosity: Gaudi hasn’t ultimate La Pedrera like he wanted because of the discordances with the family Mila. As a fervent believer, he wanted to insert a bug sculpture of the Virgin Maria on the summit of the building, but his idea wasn’t approved. From the terrace of Pedrera you can see the imposing Basilica. Exactly like for the terrace of House Batllo, the architect was idealizing a space from where you can admire his most important work: the Segrada Familia. The famous Segrada Familia, the masterpiece of Gaudi has been left unfinished because of his early death and because of it is still in construction. A colossal project, a blaze of curved lines, pinnacles and magnificence. The basilica has 3 facades rich of symbology, the façade of “Nativity” is very decorated; the façade of “Passion” is the most austere and simple; the “Gloria” is the main and most monumental façade.

Curiosity: on the façade of Passion there is magical quadrate: 16 numbers and 130 combinations that are always giving as a result the number 33, the age in which Jesus was crucifix (33 are also the steps in the Park Guell). The 18 imposing towers represent the 12 apostles, the 4 evangelists, Madonna and Jesus; the highness of the towers varies according the spiritual hierarchy of each religious figure. For the intern Gaudi was inspired by a forest, creating columns with a shape of trunk of a tree.

Curiosity: Gaudi has passed 40 years to build the Segrada Familia, knowing that it’s impossible to see it finished in the arch of his life, the artist has left to the posterity of the sketches, so that they can finish the work. On the hill of Carmel, a little far from the city’s center, in the quart La Salut, visit of the parc Guell, a public park of 17.18 hectares, projected and composed to bring peace and serenity. Climbing the dragon stairway, with the iconic salamandra, one of the alchemic symbols of Barcelona, we reach the hypostyle hall, originally ideated like a covered market, you have a feeling of being in the middle of a forest. Passing through the gardens you can admire the city from the artistic panoramic terrace.

Curiosity: in one of the rooms edificated in the intern of the park, Gaudi has lived there for many years with the father and the nephew, until when he moved in the building site of Segrada Familia. Dinner in a typical restaurant in zone Rambla based on paella, next is a flamenco spectacle. Overnight. 

Curiosity: “Paella” in Valencia means cooking pan, the typical dish took the name from the big cooking pan with two big handles, the container that is used for cooking and serving it.

3rd Day: Barcelona Breakfast and free time in the morning for last shopping and a walk in the center. Lunch and transfer to the airport for the return home.

Last curiosities for Gaudi: he had blue eyes, was a vegetarian, he had never been married, he didn’t like the new shoes (he asked his brother to be the first to wear them); died after an accident with a tram on 74 years of age; he was embalmed, dressed like a monk with a rosary in the left hand; on his funerals on the streets came the entire city to give the last tribute “to the interpreter of the Catalan people”. He was buried in the crypt of Segrada Familia.