Sicily in 360°

8 days

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1st Day: Catania
Sicily is the biggest isle of Italy and the Mediterranean, a surprisingly land rich of history and traditions, where the art and the culture meet each other in the magical natural beauty.  Federico from Svevia, the king of Sicily exclaimed: “I don’t envy God for the Paradise, because I am very satisfied to live in Sicily”. A guided visit of Catania, situated on the foot of the suggestive Mount Etna, facing the Ionian Sea, is a splendid artistic city, an undisputed example of the Sicilian baroque and an UNESCO patrimony. A walk through the beautiful Via Etnea, a pulsating heart of the Catanian mundanity and of the shopping. The visit proceeds towards the Biscari Palace, the Elephant’s fountain and the Duomo , the Via Crociferi, the Municipality’s Palace, the Cleric Palce and the Monastery of the Benedicts.

Catania’s kitchen: the pasta alla “Norma”, is a pasta (usually macaroni) spiced with a tomato juice, eggplants, basil and salt ricotta. It gets the name from Opera of Bellini, the “Norma” to recognize the masterpiece of this first dish. In the evening an accommodation in a hotel, dinner and overnight.

2nd Day: Etna – Taormina
After the breakfast, a meeting with the guide in the hotel for the excursion in Etna (1.800 m), the biggest active Vulcan in entire Europe which, with its frequent eruptions, gives a particular charm. It is one of the highest in the world, and is a part of the world’s Heritage List. Etna represents a natural laboratory and its intense activity is observed and described all from the classic time. It is been written in fact almost 2.700 years and this is for UNESCO “one of the most documented world’s records in the fields of Vulcanos”. After the lunch, a visit of the most beautiful places in the world: Taormina. Between the most important buildings are the Cathedral, the San Pancrazio’s Church, the bishop and patron of Taormina, Corvaja Palace with the arabesque battlements of the tower, the gothic windows and a part of the insides in Normanno style. The famous Greek theatre is the second by dimension antique theatre in Sicily after the one in Siracusa. Opposite by dimension is the Piccolo Theatre of Odeon, realized under the Roman Empire of Cesare Augusto Ottaviano, in the II century AC for the elite of the time. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.

3rd Day: Siracusa – Ortigia Island – Noto
Breakfast and a departure to the visit of Siracusa: the Greek theatre, the Roman amphitheatre, the Latomie, the Ear of Dionysius. Cicero defined Siracusa: “the most beautiful city of Magna Greece”. A visit of the Ortigia’s Island with the temple of Minerva transformed in Christian Cathedral and the legendary Aretusa Fountain. On this island you’ll be enchanted from the orange and lemon plantations. Lunch in a typical restaurant. We proceed to Noto, the most beautiful of them all, “the rocky garden”, where it is expressed the highest conception of the baroque urbanism. The city’s streets are intersected with a scenographic squares and many stairways that balance the differences. After the earthquake in 1693, Noto was completely reconstructed and because of this is rich of baroque jewels, using the soft local stone, with color between the gold and pink: the Duomo, Ducezio Palace, Vescovile Palace, the San Domenico’s church. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.

4th Day: Armerina Square – Agrigento – Marsala
After the breakfast, with ready suitcases, proceeding to Armerina Square, the “mosaic city and the Palio of the Normanni”. During the journey we will also here admire extensions of oranges and lemons. Meeting with the guide in the Roman Villa of Casale, famous for its Roman floor mosaics from the III and IV century AC. The name “Armenina Square” comes from the Latin Plàtea (market’s square), to which in the 1862 year was added Armenina (castrumarmorum) or the “castle of the weapons”, fortified by Normanni. Proceeding to Agrigento. The “city of temples” because of its way of building Doric temples of the antique Greek city, inserted properly between the patrimonies of humanity of UNESCO. After the lunch in a typical restaurant, meeting with the guide in the Valley of Temples, the masterpiece under an open sky most famous in the world and a visit of the 10 Temples of the biggest archeological site of the planet: the temple of Concordia, the better conserved and a symbol of the Valle; the temples of Guinone, of Hercules, of Zeus, of Olympus, of Castor and Pollux…the temple dedicated to Isis and Athena, rises up in the historic center of Agrigento, it is however considered one of the 10 Valley’s temples.

Curiosity: all the temples of the Valley are oriented towards East, because in the classic period, the divine statues should have always been illuminated by the rising Sun. Transfer to Marsala, a fascinating city, of wine and sea, of the precious finds of the historic landing of Garibaldi with his 1000, with its white sanded beaches and finally the clear and transparent sea. Accommodation in a hotel, dinner and overnight.

5th Day: Mozia – marsala – Mazara del Vallo
Breakfast and a meeting with the guide in hotel for the visit of the luxuriant Island of Mozia(known also like MothiaoMotya) one of the main commercial phoenix settlements in the heart of the Mediterranean.  On the island the sea level is around half a meter comparing of the phoenix era and a part of the archeological rests it results submerged. The museum guards the main evidences rediscovered in the years, between which the precious marble statue of Auriga of Mozia. All around, the salt works, the wind mills and vineyards, compound a natural frame of a grand charm. Return to Marsala, the most important wine area of Sicily. A visit to the picturesque historic centre, of the roman time which has a very important role in the culture and the history. You have to visit also one cellar to get to know the secrets and to taste the famous wine which gets the name from this city: “Marsala”. “Marsala” is a genious wine, from the single history, fortified, elegant and complex. The Englesh commercial John Woolhouse boards in Sicily by unfavorable sea conditions and here discovers the quality of the wines of Marsala’s zone. To keep better the wine during the long weeks of navigation towards home, decides to strengthen it with the adding of an alcohol, exactly like it happened for the wines Madera and Porto which were so favourite to the Englishmen. Proceeding to Nubia.
Saline and Mulini on wind are drawing a suggestive landscape where the light creates one game of colors and reflects created by the intensity of the sun rays and the evaporation of the tanks. Lunch in a typical restaurant inside the Mulino, seat of the Salt Museum where are conserved the antique tools for the preparation of the salt.
The red garlic of Nubia is a garlic of red purple color and of intense taste in particular. Officionally inserted in the list of agricultural traditional Italian products (P.A.T), is generally packaged in a very big plaits (up to 100 bulbs), to be after that hung in front of the balconies of the rooms. Used in some of the most important typical preparations of the local cole  the cuscus of fish and the pesto alla trapanese. In the afternoon a visit of Mazara del vallo, whose historical center is characterized by Arabian-Normanni buildings, many churches of the Renaissance and baroque and so many shopping stores. The original structure of the old city is replaced by the “Kasbah” with thin and sinuous streets where you can see characteristic yards. The characteristic Port Canale, hosts the biggest fishing float of the Mediterranean: 350 fishing boats (which give job to around 4000 people) they contribute up to 20% of the national product. In the 1998 year the fishermen recovered In the canal of Sicily, at around 480 m depth, the “Satiro Danzante” (today in the same called museum): one bronze sculpture of around 2 m of the weight of more than 96 kg. a very rare example of bronze Greek statue, in one wonderful “dancing” position, flexed on the right hip, with the arms stretched in the front and the windy hair, is cought in the moment when is making a jump with the  toe on his right foot while in the same time lifting his left leg.  In the Greek mythology,  the satyr was a male figure which was personalizing the fertility and the forces of nature. Return in a hotel, dinner and overnight.

6th Day: Riserva dello Zingaro – San Vito lo Capo
Breakfast and meeting with the guide in hotel for the bus transfer to the port of San Vito lo Capo. Boarding and a visit of the coast Riserva dello ZIngaro, first natural reserve in Sicily with 7 km of jagged coast, rich of coves, rugged rocks faraglioni. During the navigation a break to admire the faraglioni of Scopelo who stand in front of the homonymous tonnara. You have the possibility to have a bath in the crystal Sicilian water.  A branch on board. In the afternoon a return to San Vito Lo Capo, renowned seaside resort, famous for its white beach, considered between the best in Italy by one touristic sondage of Tripadvisor. In the evening return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

7th Day: Selinunte – Sciaccia and Pastori
After the breakfast, departure for the visit of Selinunte, one of the most antique Greek cities, today is considered the most important archeological complex with its 7 temples, its magnificent Acropolis, sanctuaries, necropolis and finally the cave of Cusa, from which was dig out the stone for the construction of the incredible Hellenic metropolis. Selinunte, from Greek “Selinùs”, the celery that still grows wild, became symbol of the city’s coin. Proceeding to Caltabellotta: a visit of one dairy company and a lunch based of typical local products. In the afternoon a visit of Sciacca, a trunk city, which guards priceless treasures, an important port for the fishing of the blue fish, the handmade fine ceramics and the thermal water that offer many therapeutic activities. The historic center, in tuff stone, guards palaces and monuments of the eighteenth century of Bourbon stamp. Not so far away of Sciacca is the “enchanted castle”, an olive tree grove in which Filippo Bentivegna, artist farmer, has sculpted in the live rock or in the cortex of the trees hundreds of faces. In the evening a return in the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

8th Day: Palermo – Monreale
Breakfast and a departure to Palermo with a visit of the city: the Cathedral, where are conserved the remains of the Normanni’s kings of Sicily and of Federico II of Svevia, the Real Palace, the precious chapel Palatina and the Church of San Giovanni of the Eremits. Then there are also the Quattro Canti, the Theatre Massimo, a temple of the Palermo’s lyric poetry, so the square Pretoria with the splendid fountain decorated with statue. Lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon a visit of Monreale: the splendid cloister of the 228 ornate columns and the imposing Normannian Cathedral, defined the Eight world’s miracle for its mosaics which are unique for their vastness and spectacularity.

Curiosity: this area serves like a cinematographic set for so many Italian and former movies. Let’s remind of some: in Monreale were filmed some scenes of the film “Fratello sole, sorella luna” (1972) by Franco Zeffirelli. In Palermo very famous is the film “Il Gattopardo” by Luchino Visconti (1963) and parts of the scenes of the film “Il Padrino” by Francis Ford Coppola (1990) and “Johnny Stecchino” By Roberto Benigni (1991), to finish with another film cult “Baaria” by Giuseppe Tornatore (2008). Return at home.