On the footprints of Ulisse

5 days

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1st Day: Serra San Bruno – Pizzo (42 km )
Serra San Bruno is a spiritual locality, artisan and agricultural of the Calabrian mountains. Between Sila and Aspromonte, it conserves untouched the structures from the eighteenth-century of its own palaces and refers to the Alpine localities thanks to its thick woods of pines and firs of its thousands-years old forest. Visit of the Abbey, that praises a thousand-years old history, and it is the first Cartusian convent in Italy. Because of its big historic religious interest, the charterhouse is an object of the very rigid monastery rule of the seclusion. The only way of connection with the “real world” is its museum. Curiosity: the houses of the populated area are characterized by gates of worked granite, carved wooden loggias and wrought iron railings, work of artisan localities which praise an antique tradition. We proceed to Pizzo Calabro, an amazing locality where, according to the tradition, there is Ulisse. One panoramic walk and a visit to the Church of Piedigrotta, sunked in one tuff cave by Neapolitan sailors escaped from a shipwreck. Dinner and overnight. Curiosity: the picturesque village of Pizzo has also historic ice-cream tradition, so it is known like “city of the ice-cream” too.

2nd Day: Scilla – Chianalea – Reggio Calabria (125 km)
A panoramic visit of Scilla, an antique village of fisherman dominated by the Castle of Ruffo, at which feet you can see Chianalea, which houses are built right on the rocks, and are separated by very thight small streets that are taking a way right to the Tyrrhenian Sea which from above seem like the Venetian canals. One magical atmosphere, that earned her entry in the most beautiful Villages of Italy.   We continue to Reggio Calabria and visit to the National Archeological Museum where are kept the famous bronzes of Riace. In the end a walk along the seaside of the city. Dinner and overnight.

ReligiousTour: The Basilica of Maria SS of the Consolation (the patron and protector of Reggio Calabria) is a place of pilgrimage. The veneration came up in 1577, during the plague. The Madonna of the Consolation showed up to one Capuchin monk to announce the end of the epidemic.

3rd Day: Gerace – Locri (105 km)
Departure for Gerace, al elegant medieval village between the first uplands of Locride, which centre conserves a very rich historic-artistic patrimony. Visit to one ceramic laboratory. Curiosity: Gerace comes from Greek and means “sparrowhawk”. According to the legend, one sparrowhawk  pointed the exact place for building the village, far away from the attacks of the Saracens from the sea. A visit to the museum and the archeological area of Locri, an antique Greek colony and a pillar from the Calabrian archeology. Dinner and overnight.

Curiosity: Lokroi, Greek colony founded by some Greek refugees in the end of the VIII century BC , homeland of Zaleuco, first legislator in the Western world and of Nosside, sweet and lovely poet.

4th Day: Sila – Matera (415 km)
Departure to the big Italian forest, in the biggest plateau of Europe, Sila: amply forests of beeches, pines, firs and holm oalks. It extends on a territory of 19 communities of 3 Calabrian provinces (Cosenza, Catanzaro and Crotone), on total 73.695 hectares.

To taste: one of the typical dishes of this place: the “mpanata”, a soup made with ricotta, a whey of milk still hot and peaces of hard bread. It was the typical dish of the shepherds, who were consuming it before “di’mmiàre”, start the flock to pasture. It has been consummated with wood spoons, drawing all from the same cup. We proceed to Matera. Dinner and overnight.

5th Day: Matera – Metaponto (50 km)
Visit of Matera, one of the most antique cities in the world which territory guard’s testimonies of human colonies beginning from the paleolithic. It is the city of Stones, completely dug into the tuff and declared for a Patrimony of the Humanity. In the afternoon a route to Metaponto. Visit of the Archeological Museum and the Tavole Palatine Temple.

Curiosity: its name means “beyond the sea”, Metaponto became one of the most important colonies of Great Greece.