The street of the Wine and the Oil 

3 days

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1st Day: Tivoli – Castelli Romani
Arrival in Tivoli, which Virgilius has called it in Aeneid Tibur Superbum. The antique Tivoli boasts centuries of origins and history more archaic than Rome, reimbursed from 1215 BC.

Grapes curiosity: between the typical products of Tivoli, we can find “il pizzutello” table grapes (white or black) of high quality, known also like “horn grapes” because of its oval shape. According one people’s legend, it could make beautiful the eyes of the women that were eating them.   The image of Tivoli is connected to the Albule Thermal baths and the three magnificent villas which are a true decoration of the city, the spectacular Villa D’Este and the archeological Villa Adriana both of them World’s Heritage of UNESCO, and the panoramic Villa Gregoriana, managed by FAI (Foundation Assistance Italian). Guided tour of one of the villas.

Olive curiosity: the extra virgin “Terre Tiburtine” has very old origins, the Romans were familiar of the famous “Oleum Tiburtinum”. Some samples of olives centuries-old can still be admired around Villa Adriana and along the panoramic Via di Pomata. Dinner and overnight in the zone of the Castelli Romani, around tens kilometers south-east of Rome.

2nd Day: Castelli Romani
The day is dedicated to the guided visit of Castelli Romani. The territory geographically corresponds with the Colli Albani, the wreck of the antique Volcano from Lazio, formed during very long period between 630.000 and 20.000 years before. The plots of land in this area are deprive of calcium and rich with potassium and with a balanced weather they are the ideal places for the viticulture. We traverse the famous “Strada del Vino” and the “Museo diffuso del Vino” situated in the small antique village Monte Porzio Cantone with a walk at the typical alleys. Degustation of wine in one well-known wine cellar. Lunch in a wine bar, tasting a typical meals of the antique roman recipe. Departure to Frascati, a village at the hillside of Mount Tuscolo. This fantastic place is characterized by the twelve Villas of Tuscolo which have been in the past residences of the Renaissance of the pontifical court. The most impressive and scenographic is certainly Villa Aldobrandini.
Seems that Frascati owes its name to the “frasche” (branches) that were used to cover up residences. In this zone were also existing places known as “fraschette” where the wine producers were selling young wine to the passers-by. In these fraschette, ideal destination of the outdoor trips, you can taste original recipes of the traditional roman kitchen: Italian apetizer, coppiette di cavallo, corallina romana, porchetta, mortadella spinata, also sweet dishes like pan giallo, panpepato, pupazze frascatane. All of this, of course followed by the Frascati DOC (designation of origin). Continuation to the majestic Anarchic Monastery of Santa Maria of Grottaferrata, known also like Abbazia Greca di San Nilo, in a Greek-Byzantine style, where inside you can see one of the most antique and rich religious libraries. This library owns a high number of rare schedules, antique manuscripts in parchment in which the prime scripts were scratched just to make enough space for a second, next script: thanks to the technical means of nowadays it is possible to read again the most antique script and recover some lost scripts. San Nilo was practicing the calligraphist art with much ability and elegance: he was also the inventor of the abbreviation system (tachograph) and is at the origins of one particular school of writing, Nilo’s school. Panoramic tour along the banks of the Lake Albani, famous for its beauty and the historical Centre of Castel Gandolfo, one of the prettiest villages in Italy famous in entire world because here is situated the summer residence of the Popes, which can be visited together with the gardens that host the rests of the Villa of Domiziano and the Vatican’s Factory. In the square in front of Papale Palace, there is the beautiful church of Saint Tommaso of Villanova and the fountain, both of them designed from Bernini, and the most antique host of the Italian Post. Dinner in a typical trattoria with degustation of traditional dishes of an antique home-made cuisine, return in a hotel and overnight. Castelli Romani DOP (Denomination of protected origin): from the millennial culture, is the only wine produced in every community of the Castelli Romani. “E voi dove vi piace andate, acque turbamento del vino, andate pure dagli astemi: qui c’è il fuoco di Bacco”. Gaio Valerio Catullo (84 a.C. – 54 a.C.)

3rd day: Street of the Sabina’s olive oil
Day dedicated to the visit of the “Street of the Sabina’s olive oil” high up in  Lazio where we can find perfumes and antique flavors. Sabina’s olive oil is considered the first Italian D.O.P. , because it has also been the first wine ever to get a certification in chronological order. In Fara Sabina you can admire the biggest olive tree in entire Europe.
During the itinerary, visit of the very old Abbey of Farfa, custodian of a thousand-years old history and considered one of the most significant monuments in the European Medium Era. The Abbey has received many donations, privileges, extemptions from the imperators and popes so it became one real authority. Farfa has been an imperial abbey, released from the pontifical control, but very closed to the Santa Sede (Vatican). Today, when the temporal power is lost, the Abbazia di Farfa has become a pleasant place of cult and a magnificent representation of architecture. We remain in the province of Rieti and arriving in the village of Castelnuovo of Farfa we can find the “Museum of the olive oil” in the Renaissance Palace Perelli. Lunch in a holiday farm with a degustation of typical traditional dishes of the Sabina’s culinary. In the afternoon visit of one olive-press machine in the zone with an explanation of the techniques of producing and manufacturing with a degustation of the extra virgin olive oil on bruschetta in order to finish the tour in the best way ever.