The treasures of Cinque Terre: timeless poetry 

4 days

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1st Day: Genova
The history of Genova starts in the V century BC, it was one of the Marinara Republics, it has always confirmed its independence, today is one of the ports of the national reference. From the Medium eve to the Baroque, from the Rationalism to the traces Liberty, from the Romanticism to the neogothic. In Genova, tight between the sea and the mounts, there are architectonic and artistic testimonies from all the eras: it is a scenographic city, for that is prove its “Lanterna”, which is from always a symbol of Genova. The 77 m high historic tower comes up on the remains of the hill of 40 m which is around 177 m ASL. The city owns one of the most extenden historic center in Europe such as the Castrum, the first urban settlement of the city from the period of the Romans and the Etruscans; it has big value also the architectonic patrimony with the famous Spinola Palace and Ducale Palace.
The house of Christopher Columbus in the quart of the lanaioles; the Gate Soprana, one og the entrance gates of the city; the Church of Jesus and of the Saints Ambrogio and Andrea, with the arts of Rubens; the Saint Lorenzo’s Cathedral, the most important cult place in the city. In the Antique Port of Genova there are: the Aquarius, a big attraction of all the visitors of all ages; the Biosfera, the steel and glass bubble on the water created from Renzo Piano which in the inside reproduces a tropical space; Galata, the biggest and most innovative maritime museum of the Mediterranean; the Bigo from Renzo Piano too, a metallic structure similar to a crane which stands out on the sea equipped with a panoramic elevator which has become one of the city’s symbols.

2 culinary suggestions: for a good Genovese pesto, there is no need to beat up the faglioline of basil, but to gently rotate the pestle along the walls of the mortar, in a way to tear them without track them. The work should be developed in a environmental temperature and not to enlarge too much, to avoid the oxidation that alters the taste and the color of the basil.

2nd Day: Cinque Terre
The Cinque Terre are the natural most uncontaminated and fascinating part of Liguria and of the Tyrrhenian coast. Riomaggire, Manarola, Corniglia, Monterosso and Vernazza are the 5 villages suspended between the sea and the ground which give life to this magical National Park. A boarding to Spezia and arrival at Riomaggiore, a place which seems like a nativity scene with all its colored houses built in vertical.
The Via dell’Amore is the most famous and spectacular  path gaunt in the rocks, a walk 1 km long done il around 30 min, accessible to everybody and that brings to Manarola, the kingdom of the olive trees and vines, a scenography  village on a spur overlooking the sea, considered an urban jewel rich of typical tower-houses in Genovese style. The historians consider that the name Manarola, refers to one antique magna Roea, or magna rota, a big route of water mill. We will proceed on a boat to arrive to Monterossoal Mare, the biggest village on the Cinque Terre which has an important monuments such as the Church of Saint Giovanni Battista in front of which stands out the medieval Podestà Palace. On the Cappuccini hill, the Castle and the Monastery which church is called Saint Franceso, contents works of art of priceless value. Monterosso al Mare, is the land that Eugenio Montale loved the most: here the Nobel laureate spent the summer there and wrote about it “a rock and austere land, a refuge of fishermen and farmers”.
Departure to Vernazza, medieval village with a magical atmospheres: mysterious and enigmatic streets, hided by the small and gracious red, yellow and pink houses, and for this reason it is considered by many the most suggestive of Cinque Terre with its historic monument of a major significance, the church of Saint Margherita of Antiochia in roman-gothic style. Proceeding to Portovenere, one of the pearls of Eastern Liguria which not denies the name that has. It is famous by its majestic castle Doria, the colorful houses, the precipitous stairs that bring down to the sea and the many marine caves. Boarding to the return towards La Spezia.

3rd Day: Saint Fruttuoso – Portofino – Saint Margherita Ligure
Boarding in Camogli to San Fruttuoso to admire the splendid Abbey from the 1000 year and the Tower of the Doria. The legend tells that the Fruttuoso bishop, died on the stake, came up in a dream of 5 monks to indicate them the point on the Ligurian coast, where should have beer buried his remains. The place in question was recognized by 3 signs: one savage dragon, one cavern and one clear source of water. The monks guided by an angel, arrived on the cliff of Capodimonte, where they found the dragon, who was affronted and destroyed by the angel, and the two other signs mentioned before. Departure to Portofino, a small pearl village of élite tourism, which has maintained its typical marine appearance with its port with incredible yachts from all around the world.  Proceeding to Santa Margherita Ligure for a walk along the seaside and a degustation of the pesto in one artisan laboratory. An important fishing port, Santa Margherita is known also by its red king prawns, served in the best restaurants of the zone.

4th Day: Lerici – La Spezia
Lerici, facing the gulf of Poeti is presented lay down in a small bay dominated by a little hill on which there is the Medieval Castle. Like every castle that is respected, host its own ghost. It is Maddalena di Carlo, called Madi’,  manager of the Hostel of the Youth from 1949 year until the middle of the seventies, was dancer, fortune-teller, and knew how to  “speak” with the pigeons and seagulls that visited the terrace. There is someone who told that have seen her dancing in the night, on the tower. Spezia is a city that smells like sea and on the sea has created its own essence: second biggest town in Liguria, second biggest military port in Italy.

Why is it called “port of the Poeti” the bay of La Spezia? This nickname comes before all of the fact that during the centuries many poets, writers and artists have had periods of residence in the villages of the gulf, shocked by the beauty of this “amphitheatre of water” . We will mention only some: Mary Shelley, the author of the gothic romance “Frankenstein”, lord George Byron, Charles Dickens, Virginia Wolf, Francesco Petrarca, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Eugenio Montale, Indro Montanelli.
And to finish in beauty: the three famous of the Italian literature from the fourteenth century, Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio, mention Lerici in their arts. Sandro Botticelli in Fezzano met SImonetta Vespucci, an inspirational muse for his work of art “La nascita di Venere”.