From Montefeltro to Monte Conero           

5 days

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1st Day: San Leo – Mondaino
Situated on rocky mountains, San Leo extends between the limitless Monte Fumaiolo and the Adriatic Sea. It is also known like Montefeltro, situated in 583. ASL and is a part of Emilia Romagna from 2009 year. In the urban tissue of the historic centre, rises up one monumental complex of religious character,  a seventeenth-century, which makes San Leo real “art city”: Pieve, the Duomo, Tower Campanaria and Convent of Sant’Igne.

Curiosity: Its imposing Rocca hosted famous people such as Dante, San Francesco of Assisi and the Count of Cagliostro. This last one was an adventurist, mason and alchemist for the European courts of XVIII century. He got the title “count” using different identities, cheating a lot of people with the sale of an elixir capable of giving the eternal youth. Mondaino, on the border between Romagna and Marche, is one of the capitals in the production of the Cheese Pecorino of Fossa. The landscape is made of farmlands and scrubs, in another hill of Valconca, where once upon a time deer grazed and was rising up a temple dedicated to Diana, the goddess of the hunt and the protector of the forest, was born the land “monte deidaini”.

Curiosity: the infossatura of the cheese spreads in some hilly villages of Romagna during the Medium age. It has had double goals: to let the cheese to gain a full natural stage and to hide the precious shapes from the lots of groups of adventurists and bandits that raided.

2nd Day: Urbino – Pesaro
Urbino is a marvelous place of treasures and a place of birth of two big artists: Bramante and Raffaello Sanzio.  Its biggest splendor was under the Authority of Montefeltro. The duke Federico III has made it one of the principal centers of art and culture of the Renaissance. It is the seat of one of the most antique and important Universities in Europe, founded in 1506. Visit of the Palace Ducale, the Oratorio of San Giovanni and San Giuseppe, the birth house of Raffaello and the Duomo with the museum and the underground.

Curiosity: Urbino was constructed with some acoustic “tricks”. If you stand on foot in the centre of the outdoor square of Palace Ducale and you talk, the voice amplifies. The artifice was designed to allow the Duke to look out of the highest windows and talk to the people, giving like that a guarantee that his words would be perfectly heard from everyone. Pesaro, city of roman origin sorted long the route of the street Flaminia. It had its biggest splendor in the XVI and XVII centuries, under the Authority of the Rovere. The craft was blooming, such as processing of copper, of wrought iron, the gold working and the manufacture of briar pipes. Its coast has a sand beach 7 km long. Visit of: Ducale Palace, the Basilica Cathedral, the powerful Rocca Costanza, prison once; the small birth house of Giacchino Rossini, the Imperial Villa, on the hill San Bartolo.

Curiosity: walking through the small streets in the centre, through the port or through the sea coast, you will find alley with extravagant names. Every quart has different history that needs to be known. Via del Foul: refers to a marked limit that constituted the foul in the game with the ball. Via della Neviera: near the slaughterhouses, this street was a host of a snow deposit destined of conserving the meat during summer period. Via dell’Abbondanza: of the antiques stores from the seventeenth century created to conserve food in periods of famine.

3rd Day: Gradara
Gradara is a medieval town, closed in its famous castle, the theatre of the tragic love of Paolo and Francesca, described by Dante in the fifth Song of the Inferno. Its rock was a testimony of the most illustrated events of its thousands-year old past that could be evocated passing through the lifting bridge, visiting the armory and the room of torture.

Curiosity: in the “room of Francesca” inside the fortress, it is described the tragedy of the jealousy . This place has been invented especially like “narration for tourists”. Francesca, Gianciotto Malatesta’s wife (the Cripple), gentlemen of Rimini, was caught in flagrante adultery with her brother in-law Paolo and murdered with him by her husband between 1283 and 1286 year. A tragedy happened, but not to the fortress.

4th Day: Fabriano – Grotto of Frasassi 
Fabriano is famous by the paper production and filigree nature of the sheets, an invention introduced of paper masters of Fabriano in the second half of XIII century. Visit of the Museum of Paper and Filigree. Genga is situated in the Regional park of the Gola della Rossa. Surrounded by thick wood on the top of valley Esino, is enclosed between the medieval walls of the castle and it is known for the Cave of Frasassi, one of the most important hypogeum complexes of Europe. Inside the karstic cavity you can admire natural sculptures formed of stratifications of calcium in the course of 190 millions of years. The water, flowing, leaves small quantities of limestone which laying down, after millenniums, sinks and creates concretion of dimensions and curious forms. These after separate in stalagmites (columns that grow from bottom to top) and stalactite (that instead climb down from the ceiling of the cavity).

Curiosity: these natural arts stimulated a fantasy of names to speleologists: the “Giganti”, the “Cammello”, and the “Dromedario”, the “Orsa”, the “Madonnina”, the “Spada di Damocle” (a stalagmite 7.40m high and 150cm in diameter), “Cascate delNiagara”, the “Fetta di pancetta” and the “Fetta di lardo”,the ”Obelisco” (a stalagmite 15m high in the centre of the room 200), the “Canne d’Organo” (concretion conical lameral that if you hit them they ring out), the “Castello delle Streghe”. The biggest part of the cavity is called Wind Cave and it is said that it could contain the Duomo of Milan.

5th Day: Recanati – Loreto
Recanati is a “balcony town” for its large landscape. Here were born Giacomo Leopardi, one of the biggest Italian poets of the Italian literature and Beniamino Gigli, lyric singer.

Curiosity: thanks to Monaldo, the poet’s father, there is Leopardi Library, because he started to collect books from adolescence. Giacomo studied here together with the brother Carlo and sister Paolina. The library was the barycentre where good part of the family’s life was realized: sort of inevitable occupation for the study from every other family activity. Today the library is the only place open for the public, because the rest of the building is still private place for living of the Leopardi family. The collocation of the 20.000 volumes that compose it stayed unchanged from the time of its constitution, guaranteed by the sheets of catalogation completed by Monaldo and his children. Loreto is a place of faith and history, that open the heart and soul of the believers. Goal of the pilgrimages, keeps one of the most important treasures of Cristianity: the Santa Casa di Maria di Nazareth, a holly place, defined by Giovanni Paolo II “verocuore mariano of the cristianity”. Inside the Santa Casa there is the statue of “Madonna Nera”, the protector of pilots. The sacred place, made of rare beautiful marm, has been visited by almost 200 saints and blessed, and also from many Popes.