Trulli, Orecchietta and table grapes          

6 days

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1st Day: Alberobello
When you arrive at Alberobello it is a little bit like you enter in a magic world, a fairy architecture that is unique in the world with more than 1000 trulli of “Quarter Monti”, the most touristic part in the city, together with “Rione Aia Piccola”, it is a still populated quart of citizens of Alberobello and today, both of the quarters are UNESCO patrimonies. Made of calcareous stone on a dry limestone, without a cement, with floor of the characteristic conic shape, whitened with a milky white lime, a symbol of pureness. The primitive trulli from Puglia have been built by farmers and pastors with stones found in the same place, in the same farms. Constructed of one and only room, they were used like a temporary recovery or like a storage for the agricultural tools. In the evening an accommodation in a hotel in the zone of Alberobello, dinner and overnight.

2nd Day: Matera – the Grotte di Castellana
A morning dedicated to the famous Lucanian area of the “sassi”, rocky rooms created partly in the natural cavity of the rocks. Matera, thanks to its cultural landscape’s beauty, is a patrimony of the World’s Humanity. With the word “sassi” it is making a refer to the two quarters which are constructing it, together with the “Civita” and “Piano”, the historic center of Matera. The UNESCO area of Matera in its 32 hectares contains almost 60 rocky churches, thousands of troglodyte houses dig in the tuff, caves, hypogeums, palaces, churches, neighborhoods, staircases, walkways, gardens and vegetable gardens all of them set one by another to create an unique place. The Matera’s stones rise up on one of the sides of a canyon dig in the time by the torrent Gravina. On the other side there is the Park of the Matera’s Murgia, which landscape represents the original context of the places and holds the most antique settlements of the territory.

Movies that are filmed on Matera: there is a long list, we will mention some of them: “Cristo si è fermato a Eboli”  winner of 2 David di Donatello (1979); “King David” with a young one Richard Gere (1985); “L’uomo delle Stelle” of Tornatore, an Oscar nominee (1995); “The Passion of Christ” of the grand Mel Gibson (2004); “Ben Hur” a remake of the colossal in 1959 (2016); “Wonder Woman” (2017). In the afternoon a visit of the Grotte di Castellana, it is between the most beautiful caves of Italy. The natural entrance is an enormous chasm which is introduced on a constant temperature of  16,5°C. The visit winds toward paths which can be from 1 km to 3 km with 70 m deep, between caverns and chasms which have been given mythological or fantastic names. From the Grave to the Grotta Nera or the Capitoline Wolf, after having passed the Cavernone of the Monuments, passed the Calza and also the Caverna della Civetta, passed the Corridoio del Serpente, the Caverna del Precipizio and the Piccolo Paradiso,  you will flow along the Corridoio del Deserto called also the Grand Canyon underground, you will reach the Caverna della Torre of Pisa, the clear Water lake, the Corridoio Rosso, the Caveerna della Cupola and finally passing from the lighting Cristal Lake  you will arrive in the Grotta Bianca, a bright and splendid cavity.

Illustrative visitors of the Grotte: the presidents of the Republic Luigi Einaudi and Sergio Mattarella, the jurist Aldo Moro, the actresses Gina Lollobrigida and Silvana Pampanini, Her highness Margaret of England. In the evening return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.

3rd Day: Lecce – Ostuni
In the morning a visit of the “Florence of South”, Lecce is called like that for its rich elegance of the “Lecce baroque” of the churches and the palaces in the center, built in the local stone, a gentle and compact limestone, of warm and golden colors, very adapted on the scalpel work. Visit of the Cathedral of Maria Santissima Assunta in the Duomo’s square; of the Seminar; of the Episcope,  the abode of the Arcivescovo and the seat of Curia, from the port of golden columns, in the nights, you can taste all the artistic and spiritual  magnificence of the main façade  of Duomo. Between the symbolic churches of the Lecce’s baroque it is the Basilica of S. Croce, one of the major architectonical complexes of the city and it substitutes the most significant example of the Lecce’s baroque. Saint Oronzo Square tells a thousand old story of Lecce with so many different architectonic styles which found together creating an artistic beauty of harmony. After lunch, a visit of the mediaeval village of Ostuni, called also the “White City”, a magic ring of small white houses whitened by lime. La Terra is the name which is used to call the antique part of Ostuni characterized by suggestive panoramic glimpses, lanes, precipitous stairways, courts, squares, churches and small stores. An entrance in the Romanian-gothic Cathedral of Saint Maria dell’Assunzione. We recommend a visit of the neighborhood “Lu Spessìte”  (remove the e when you pronounce it), a tangle of curvy streets, of accumulated houses from which some are dig in the rocks, perfumes of geraniums and hanging laundry. An ideal place to make a very unique pictures. In the evening return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.

4th Day: Ostuni – Noicattaro – Bari
A day dedicated to the degustation of the Puglia’s delicacy. The sweetest red onion of Acquaviva delle fonti, recognizable by the typical flatten form and by its violet color; the blackberry octopus of Bari; the table grapes of Rutigliano, Noicattaro, Mola and Casamassima and the Conversano’ cherries. Noicattaro is the world’s capital of table grapes, where we will have the opportunity to shake and taste this excellence of a territory and to visit the smallest theatre of the world. The difference between “table grapes” and grapes for the production of the wine: the difference is in the taste, in the acidity and in the present sugar. The table grapes is a fruit eatable right away, with a thinner skin and a more compact and firm pulp, sweet and rich of natural sugars presents an inferior acidity. Around 70% of the natural production of all the table grapes has origins from Puglia. In the evening transfer to Bari for a dinner and overnight.

5th Day: Bari – Trani -  Castel del Monte
A transfer to Bari and a short visit of the city with its large Corso Vittorio Emanuele, which splits the city in two parts and in two fazes between history and modernism. There are around 30 churches, magical like the Basilica of San Nicola, the Romanesque Basilica of San Gregorio and the San Sabino’s Cathedral. The Svevo Castle was the theatre of the meeting between San Francesco and the Imperator. It seems, in fact, that the one from Assisi thunders against the court’s luxuries and Federico II decided well to put him on a test inviting him on Bari and offering him the rich libations and the love of a beautiful girl. When the nobles assisted of the strict refuse of Francesco to abandon himself to all worldliness, Federico II convinced himself that the Saint was really one man of God. A lunch to degustate the orecchiette with broccoli or turnip tops, past in a pan with garlic, oil, chili pepper and anchovy fillets. It seems that this type of dry durum wheat pasta has been brought to Puglia from Provencal merchants, and very soon transformed into the queen of the local gastronomy. Proceeding to Trani and a visit to the splendid Cathedral of Saint Nicola Pellegrino, dedicated to the patron of the city and a masterful example of Romanesque Apulian, vertiginously high and fronting the sea, a symbol of the Apulian architecture. A visit of the Svevo Castle, which stands three quarters above the water of the water of the Adriatic. Proceed to the Castel del Monte and a visit of the octagonal castle, a major architectonic work liked by the Imperator Federico II of Svevia. It is declared world’s patrimony of the humanity, protected by UNESCO, the castle is the most important Suevian work in southern Italy. There are many esoteric symbolisms present in the Castle, that’s why it is speculated that the construction could be a sort of temple of the knowledge, where you can dedicate yourself to the science studies applying refined knowledge of math, geometry and astronomy.

1 Cent Souvenir: the shape of the Castle del Monte in present on the coin of 1 cent of a euro in the Italian state, a great souvenir to take like a memory from this trip. In the evening an accommodation in a hotel at San Giovanni Rotondo, dinner and overnight.

6th Day: San Giovanni Rotondo
In the morning a visit of the new sanctuary of San Giovanni Rotondo, whose crypt contains a transparent display case that preserves the remains of San Pio, but all the local population is in particular devoted. Famous sentences: “Da morto farò più chiasso che da vivo.” Padre Pio da Pietrelcina (25th of May 1887- 23rd of September 1968). Return at home.