In the footsteps of St. Francis

3 days

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Day 1: Assisi
The tour in the footsteps of St. Francis can only begin from his hometown Assisi. The visit will start from the Town Hall Square, featuring many buildings of interest such as the Palace of the Priors and the Temple of Minerva. Visit of the St. Rufin’s Cathedral, one of the most significant places of worship of Christianity. According to the tradition, St. Francis, St. Claire and Frederick II of Swabia were baptized here. Picnic in a Umbrian vineyard, tasting of 3 local wines and typical products such as torta al testo (a kind of griddle bread), cold cuts and cheese. Visit of the Basilica of Saint Francis, where the remains of the Saint are interred. Afterwards we move not far from the city centre reaching the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels and the Museum Porziuncola. 

Curiosity: The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels is one of the largest shrines of Christianity, it towers above the plain at the feet of Assisi’s hill with its 126m length and 75 m height. Inside the complex it hosts the “Rose Garden of Saint Francis”. The story goes that this is the place where Saint Francis rolled nacked in the bramble thorns in order to escape temptation. The brambles turned into roses without thorns, so as not to hurt him. -       The torta al testo is a local specialty. But do not be fooled by the name: it’s not about a cake, but rather a flat bread griddled on a cast iron disk. In Ancient Rome the “testum” was properly the terracotta disk used to bake flat bread.

Day 2: Assisi–Gubbio (Km. 55)
In the morning spiritual retreat at the Sanctuary of Eremo delle Carceri. Here Saint Francis and his devotee used to come meditate. Visit of the Sanctuary and participation in the friar’s prayers. The group will be met at the guest house close to the monastery. In the late afternoon departure for Gubbio, dinner and overnight.

Curiosity: The complex is made up of 6 main components: the small cloister, the small friary, the Chapel of Santa Maria Maddalena, the oratory of Saint Mary, the Seal of Saint Bernardine of Siena and the Cave of Saint Francis.
According to the tradition, the mountain’s gorge was once a river that the Saint let dry out since it disturbed his own contemplation as well as the one of the other friars.
Inside the Grotto there is a hole looking into the crevasse. Myth has it that the hole was created by the demon in his effort to the escape from Saint Rufin. 

Day 3: Gubbio
Guided tour of the city that first recognized Saint Francis as a God’s emissary. We will walk through the “beating heart” of the town, crossing the Great Square. On the square overlook the Consoli Palace and Pretorian Palace. Visit of the Church of Saint Francis of Peace, built over the grotto where the wolf lived. Inside of the church it is possible to visit the crypt containing the wolf’s tomb stone cover. Reinforced lunch in restaurant and return trip. 

Curiosity: Gubbio is also called the “grey town” due to the limestone blocks forming this magnificent city.
The story goes that by arrival of Saint Francis in Gubbio, he found the city completely empty. The inhabitants were afraid of the wolf wandering through the centre. So the Saint made an agreement with it: in the future he would never attack people, who in their turn would feed and look after it.