Between Grappa, Villas and Radicchio          

3 days

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Day 1: Bassano del Grappa - Venetian Villas
"On the Bassano Bridge, there I'll give you my hand..." the Alpini sang quoting the symbol of Bassano del Grappa on the river Brenta: the Ponte Vecchio or Alpini Bridge (since 1928), dedicated to the memory of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who, during the First World War, crossed the bridge to the plateau of the Seven Municipalities. At the entrance of the bridge there is the Nardini Grapperia, an obligatory stop for those passing through Bassano, visiting the premises that have been home to the oldest distillery in Italy. In addition to the classic grappas, it also features the "tagliadella", the typical liqueur of the area. During the hour of the aperitif, the bridge is crowded with hundreds of people enjoying a glass of Nardini. A few steps from the bridge, in the ancient Palazzo delle Teste, is located the Poli Grappa Museum, the result of a long and passionate research, an act of gratitude of the Poli Family towards grappa.
Masterpieces of architecture: The Bubbles of Nardini (book your exclusive visit with Podium) The Bubbles are presented to the general public on the occasion of the 225th anniversary of the company's foundation. A modern work of architecture designed by Massimiliano Fuksas that evokes the alchemy of distillation and that, together with the Grapperia di Bassano, tells the love for the land and enhances its potential. A work projected towards the future that rises inside the company park, The Bubbles Lab was born as a research laboratory and space to promote the culture of grappa. Our Podium visit to the Poli distillery in Schiavon is unique of its kind: the distillation room which is still made by hand with the ancient steam system, the cellars where the grappa rests in about 4,000 barrels, the cellar of the "heroes" with the tasting and the fascinating stories of the Poli family. Curiosity: The series "Di Padre in Figlia" on RAI 1 was filmed in the Poli Distillerie rooms.The cast of the show includes Cristiana Capotondi, Stefania Rocca, Alessio Boni and, as distillers, also Jacopo and Andrea Poli and part of the Distilleria staff, hired as extras.
Dinner and overnight in a hotel in the area of the Venetian Villas.

Day 2: Venetian Villas - Riviera del Brenta
A day dedicated to a guided tour of the wonderful Villas of the Brenta. The Riviera del Brenta connects Padua and the lagoon of Venice within 36 km of unique scenic beauty, from Stra to Fusina. The canalization of the river in this area dates back to the 16th century. The Venetian nobles, attracted by the countryside, had their homes built along the canal. At the beginning, the functionality of these buildings was exclusively aimed at their position and agricultural role, but then they quickly turned into luxurious buildings and the so-called 'villa culture' was born. This area, between worldliness and idleness, rapidly became populated and became of common use among the aristocracy of the lagoon to own a villa on the Brenta and reach it by boat. Villa Foscarini Rossi, is the first on the road after the center of Stra, which owes part of the project by Andrea Palladio; Villa Pisani, the most imposing, originally a doge's palace, is dotted with frescoes (including one by Tiepolo) and the famous boxwood maze inside the vast garden. La Barbariga, on the other side near Dolo, is also worth a visit, even if only externally.
In Dolo visit of the Ancient Mills of the '500.

Curiosity: originally they were powered by 4 wheels. In 1593 the number of wheels increased again, reaching the total number of 12. The mills of Dolo became the greatest economic resource of the Republic of Venice. They remained used for centuries by the great noble families and became state property. Recently restored, they are now used as a center for the sale of organic products. Boarding on the boat at the pier of Dolo and crossing the Chiusa di Dolo with a descent of water level. Cruising between villages, river locks and swing bridges. Crossing the Chiusa di Mira with a descent of water level; pause to visit Villa Widmann; visit the Villa Gradenigo; explanation during the navigation of the various villas seen from the river, including Villa Foscari known as "La Malcontenta". Crossing the Chiusa di Moranzani at Fusina with descent of water level.
Dinner and overnight in hotel.

Day 3: Treviso
Departure for Treviso, the capital city proclaimed by poets as a "courtly city". In the historical city center, surrounded by a massive wall, there is the Cathedral, a magnificent example of a complex stratification of architectural styles due to the numerous renovations suffered in different eras. The Piazza dei Signori, the Palazzo dei 300, the Loggia dei Cavalieri, the Canale dei Buranelli.Lunch in a traditional restaurant where you will taste the specialty of the region: The Trevisan radicchio.The radicchio belongs to the chicory family and probably originates from the eastern countries. In Europe it appeared around 1400 and the first indications of its cultivation in the areas of Veneto date back to 1500.

The red radicchio of Treviso I.G.P. has two types: premature and late-growing. Characterized by a particular crunchiness and a bitter taste, the radicchio guarantees a versatility of use in the kitchen, from the appetizer to the dessert, from the famous risotto to more particular preparations such as jams, excellent with mature cheeses.

Curiosity: the radicchio from Veneto has even crossed the borders of the earth, in fact in 1998 the seeds of Radicchio Rosso di Treviso and Variegato di Castelfranco went into orbit on the shuttle, as part of the SEM project of NASA, which experiments the effects of the microgravity on seeds and plants.