Rep. of San Marino

Pilgrims in San Marino
Tour of history and spirituality

Curiosity: September 3, 301 is the founding date of the Republic, the solemn feast of the Saint and the State. In the dating of public documents of San Marino, it is not unusual to come across the wording “d.F.R”, or “from the Foundation of the Republic”, with reference to the year 301 as the beginning of the history of the country. 

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Trekking to discover
San Marino and Valmarecchia

3 days

Curiosity: To the right of the Pieve is the “Church of San Pietro”. Inside there are two beds carved into the rock where, according to tradition, Marino and Leo rested. According to legend, Marino and Leo dug these beds and anyone who lays down is cured of rheumatic diseases.

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