Great Britain

100% London

6 days

​in London it is faster and more convenient to move by subway, also known as the “Tube”. It’s the most ancient underground network in the world and the largest one in Europe. Designed in 1933 by Herry Beck,  the Tube’s map is a typical example of the planning of the 20th century. Its design is really practical and it clearly shows the general directions (North, South, East or Ovest) used to label the trains and the lines interchange...

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King Arthur’s Cornwall

6 days

King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, according to medieval stories and romances, protected Britain against Saxon invaders between the late 5th and the early 6th centuries. The details of his story are mostly made up of folklore and literary invention. “The history of the Knights of the Round Table” begins a long time ago in a small village in Britain, in the forest of Brocéliande. In this place a young lady gave birth to a rather ... 

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