
Following Saint Paul

8 days

​Entire day dedicated to a guided tour of Thessaloniki with the White Tower, which was a prison in the XIX century, nowadays it’s a Museum and a symbol and reference point of the city. The Arch of Galerius, next to the eastern city walls, was erected in 305 by the Emperor Galerius (305-311) for celebrating his victorious campaign against the Persians. The Rotunda, a cylindrical shaped building dating back to the IV century AD had the function of a Pantheon or Mausoleum of the Emperor Galerius...

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Nel Cuore della Civiltà Occidentale 

8 days

​Breakfast in the hotel and depart for the region of Argolis, one of the most important territories of the Greek Archeology. Stop to admire the Corinthian Canal which connects homonymous Gulf with the Aegean Sea, cutting in two the isthmus that divides them. Built in 1881 and in 1893, the artificial canal is 6345 m. long, approximately  25,6 m. wide and with a depth up to 8 m. and allows to save the boats that cross it between 200 and 700 km. on the routes between the Ionian ...

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