​North Macedonia

Following in the footsteps of Constantine
The Great

6 days

​Constantine I or Constantine the Great, Roman emperor, born in Niš, Serbia in 280, reigned from 306 to 337. In 306 he was acclaimed emperor by the British army , but only after defeating  Maxentius in the battle of the Milvian bridge (312) the title was recognized by the Senate of Rome ...         

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Breath Taking Landscapes

8 days

​Tour in the evocative net of inlets of the Adriatic Sea in the bay of Boka Kotorska (Bay of Kotor). The tour begins from Risan, one small town on the bay of Kotor, famous by its archeological sides with roman mosaics. Then we proceed to Perast, “the baroque city”, that between XVII and XVIII centuries was a very important marine city with in the period good 4 building sea sites and more than a 100 boats....                   

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